Submission of Case to ICC

see also for details:  ---

Filed with the International Criminal Court of the United Nations on 17 August, 2005 as No. of 2005

Plaintiff: Joshua Kong Yun Chee of P. O. Box 11923, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
Defendants: The Yang Di Pertuan Agung of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur,
The Government of Malaysia, Prime Minister, Putrajaya, Malaysia,
The Former Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Putrajaya, Malaysia
The Governor of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu.

Brief particulars of the complaint:-
As a citizen of the State of Sabah which formed Malaysia on 16th September, 1963, and a Malaysian, the plaintiff has been aggrieved since then and relying on the Statement of Claims are per pages 2-7 and related supporting documents as enclosed in Sections A-D of the brief "IC Case for ICC" of over 400 pages, and the plaintiff would like the honourable International Court to deal the two major complaints namely ethnic cleansing (most suitable word to use) and apartheid phenomenon (by virtue of not declared). These two complaints unless dealt with properly have reached the stage of no return for ordinary people of Malaysia especially the minorities (once majority) in the State of Sabah.

Appropriate attention and Remedy
As the Statute of the International Criminal Court has a provision for compensation and other likely action to provide relief to the aggrieved people for decades, it is anticipated that a Trust Fund of at least RM40 billions (Ringgit Malaysia Forty Billions) be set up for the benefit of the genuine Malaysians residing in Sabah for the lost opportunities and rights as neglected and abused by the defendants.

It is also expected that a proper instituted Royal Commission of Inquiry on the genuine identity cards as abused and given to the extra people who are illegal and outsider under dubious schemes for decades to resolve the substantive ethnic cleansing with adverse impact on the other fronts namely social, politics, religion and economy.
Any other measures deemed appropriate.

With deep conviction and in all sincerity without fear or favour

Submitted by plaintiff on behalf of Sabahans the statement of claims in pages 2-7.

Joshua KONG Yun Chee
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Dated: August 2005
NB: the references (section) used are those in the brief titled "IC Case for ICC" as attached.

see also :


STATEMENT OF CLAIMS of Joshua Kong Yun Chee, a Malaysia residing in Sabah

A. Direction and History
A1. Since independence on 31st August, 1963 from the British as a colony and then formed Malaysia on 16th September, 1963 under the Proclamation of Malaysia (Section B13) by the first Prime Minister of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman, Sabah has gone through much tough times as a young nation.

A2. While the gaps as in various divides as recognised during the formation of Malaysia were well documented, the gaps from the more developed Peninsula and less developed Sabah in East Malaysia have actually widened in 40 years despite so much promises of hope were made throughout the period.

A3. General Elections (State and Federal) come and go under the banner of democracy during the said period, but the so called guided democracy was bias for the race and religion when Malaysia had introduced Islam as the national religion when Sabah was without any national religion. The successive State Governments were much under the control of the Federal Government working towards its objective of national integration through dominance of the race and religion.

A4. While national integration was in the process throughout this period of 40 years, the downside impacts of that national program have generated so much injustice and marginalisation of the minorities of various denominations in races and religions. (Section A32)

A5. Such injustice and marginalisation in politics, social, economic, races, and religions perspectives have developed into undesirable and worsening symptoms of ethnic cleansing (most suitable word to use) and apartheid phenomenon (by virtue of not declared). However, such symptoms are inseparable but interlinked between the twin crimes against humanity amongst other minor prejudices generated by bias people with some hidden agenda. (observed throughout this brief titled "IC case to ICC").

Like in all newly independent countries, such crimes against humanity do not occur overnight, and some scenarios have been allowed to develop for some decades and when the deteriorating situations are allowed to proceed, very little can be done to revert those damages. So in the Malaysian case the symptoms are all there like the writing on the wall and the apt diagnosis is based on the various developments for two easily identified major crimes namely ethnic cleansing and apartheid. Unless such crimes are now stopped immediately, it is futile and too late to regret later. The race and religion have exerted too much emphasis in this bias system.

B.A.1. ETHNIC CLEANSING - Governmental Design
B.A.1.1. When Malaysia was formed, Peninsula had three major grouping of immigrants of various historic past namely Malays, Chinese and Indians. In the Borneo States of Sabah and Sarawak, there are additional substantial native groups. Majority of these native groups are non Muslims. The political conflict Federal and State arising from the religious factor was an excuse for the Federal power to manipulate the issuance of genuine identity cards to illegal people from the neighbouring countries so much so that pre-independence racial and religious balance was tilted to "outsiders" who I call extra people identity cards (EPIC) by such a substantial proportion as much as 40-45% of the Malaysians (including dubious holders of genuine identity cards and their off springs) in 2000. Such evidence are as follows:-
B.A.1.1. Based on the researched data in my book titled "EPIC of Sabah" published in July 2002, the four Population Census in 1970, 1980, 1991 and 2000 as analysed by upgrading those ages the EPIC has come to a figure of a million and more in 2000. (Section A17). The reliability of this demographic analysis is not to be questioned for the possible errors of the statistical collections. The case study based on four successive Census are supported by other visible demographic unusual rising trend and other evidence in published documents as referred in this submission.

B.A.1.2. The 526 pages Book titled " IC Palsu"- merampas hak anak Sabah by Mutalib M. D. ISBN 983-9280-32-5 lists out all those massive illegalities and irregularities regarding outsiders, identity cards and memberships of political parties especially United Malay National Organisation (UMNO). A few pages are given in Section A 33-37. These dubious people have sustained the sizable membership of UMNO and voted in General Elections since 1994. These dubious people have become bumiputra (privileged group) by virtual of their religion of Islam.

B.A.1.3. Dr. Chong En Leong has written much about the dubious genuine identity cards, dubious illegal people, phantom voters and even brought an Election case to the High Court where a landmark Judgment was made confirming the existence of substantial phantom voters in an Election Court K5 of 1999. At the N13 - Likas Election Court case, there was an affidavit certifying how some key personalities holding public offices were involved with the genuine identity cards given to illegal people (Section A 39).

B.A.1.4. In a document titled "Conspiracy to illegally enfranchise Filipino refugees" by Sdr Fung Ket Wing, Member of Parliament for Sandakan in May 1985, (Section D161) I quote "The former Deputy Chief Minister of Sabah who was also at one time the Deputy Minister of Defence, Datuk Dzulkifli, when presenting a paper at the University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) alleged that from 1968 till now, more than 100,000 blue identity cards had been issued to illegal immigrants and refugees in Sabah. He cautioned that if this goes on, the natives would become a minority and Sabah will be overtaken by refugees and illegal immigrants." In the related issue per "A case for media freedom - Report of Suhakam's Workshop on Freedom of the Media" October 2003 ISBN 983-2523-10-9 by Human Rights Commission of Malaysia, it was revealed that Datuk Haji Dzulkilfi bin Datuk Abdul Hamid was found guilty under section 8 of the Official Secrets Act 1972 when he exposed the secret of illegal immigrants in Sabah (Section A30). This would serve to confirm that Datuk Dzulkifli had exposed the truth on this identity cards issue.

B.A.1.5. The demographic trend of Sabah 454,421(1960), 653,604 (1970), 955,712 (1980), 1,307,438 (1991), 1,988,661 (2000) is excessive when the annual rate of increase is double the national average. Certain towns in the East Coast of Sabah experience similar excessive rates of population growth over the period. This trend becomes more sharp if we include the excess departures of Malaysians from 1995 - 2003 amounting to 778,098. (Section D137).

B.A.1.6. Federal Deputy Home Minister Datuk Chor Chee Heung told Dewan Negara (Upper House of Parliament) that 2.286 millions were given Malaysian Citizenship. (Section D126) Such massive numbers are obvious residing in Sabah and done without going through the statutory process as provided in the Federal Constitution. Ironic, the possession of a genuine identity card was deemed to be citizen hence such abuses can be rampant.

B.A.1.7. The Muslim population in Sabah in 2000 was 63.7% when it was less than 30% in 1970 making it a dominant racial and religious group. (Section B20) How can this figure be possible when it was reported elsewhere that conversions to Muslims in the period 1970-2001 were only 74,404? (Section B36) Hence the discrepancy in this massive increase of this group is mainly due to EPIC.

B.A.1.8. The ethnic cleansing is accomplished giving bias power to the Muslim group under the charge of UMNO by bias general election through bias delineation, rigging and phantom voters since 1994 and possibly earlier. It is incredible when many voters give away their rights to the ballot box for immediate cash and other benefits, that 344,102 (40%) did not exercise their right in the General Elections in 2004. The worst conduct of the last General Elections with a favourable low turnout gave the mandate to the State's National Front. I am preparing to lodge a Police Report on this.

B.A.1.9. The other impact is that with the Muslim proportion in Sabah boosted by the substantial EPIC, the opportunities in the State are given to this group, with less and less for the non Muslim groups.
B.A.2. APARTHEID PHENOMENON- crimes perpetrated

B.A.2.1. This unwritten system unlike the South African declared model known to Malaysian as the Apartheid Phenomenon needs no further definition as if those in power inclined to help their own kind in race and religion by whatever means official and unofficial, and the undesirable consequences of that implementation of economic policies of more than three decades cannot be ignored any more. The bias system prevailing since 1970 when the New Economic Policy (NEP) was introduced following the 13th May, 1969's race riots in Peninsula (when nothing happened in Sabah) cannot be justified any more when those in power are inclined to help their own kind in race and religion. It was a sort of social contract between the Muslims and non Muslims in the nation possibly at the urging of the writer of book "Malay Dilemma" published in 1969. Although NEP was switched over to New Development Policy in 1991, the status quo of NEP prevails till today in most features. There maybe some slight modifications but definitely not enough to unlock apartheid and neo-colonialism. Sabah with its original backwardness at the time of Malaysia face the additional neglect when development funding was comparative little. (Section B26-27) While Sabah did not benefit much from NEP, it received comparative less funds from the Federal Government when Sabah has been very rich in natural resources in timber and still substantial fossil fuel available.

B.A.2.2. There is a total lack of transparency in the corporate equity market as to know who are holding how much wealth of the nation. Much of such stock exchange equity are in the hands of foreigners and companies in the nominees set up. The Government keeps on complaining that the bumiputra quota of 30% is still not yet attained, when we have many very rich and famous bumiputra corporate captains in commerce and industries. It is also unknown how much of those corporate equity in the hands of non bumiputra who are likely the nominees of the bumiputra politicians and civil servants. This would be exposed if the Inland Revenue Board investigate into those wealthy people as to their source of their substantial capital funds.

B.A.2.3. Sabah is handicapped much more under this undeclared apartheid policy as non Muslim natives are not considered the equivalent of the status of bumiputra as practised in Peninsula Malaysia.

B.A.2.4. Specific areas of contention as regularly reported are as follows:-

B.A.2.4.1. Jobs and opportunities including major contracts and privatisation have been awarded by appointments, negotiation or restricted tenders to the favoured bumiputra groups.

B.A.2.4.2. Education opportunities especially at the higher education level are given to the bumiputra groups until now slightly modified by meritocracy, but still lacking in real substance.

B.A.2.4.3. Although 20 points at the time of forming Malaysia and its impact had been almost obsolete by design or otherwise, it is still seen to be valid in limited areas only. However, recent comments given below can give us some guidance why 20 points (gentlemen agreement) have failed Sabahans. (Section A20)

B.A.2.4.4. Datuk Harris Mohd Salleh's article titled "The 20 points pact no longer exist" (Daily Express 30th January 2005) and quote " Successive State Governments have been fighting to persuade the Federal Government to appoint more Sabahans to key Federal Posts particularly as heads of Federal Departments. Their requests have been ignored. For instance out of the 104 Federal Department and Agencies in Sabah only 7 are headed by Sabahans."

B.A.2.4.5. Mohd Fauzi Patel's article headed "Storm in a tea cup over 20 points accord" (Daily Express 9th January, 2005) wrote in 1971 the Sabah Legislative Assembly unanimously approved to adopt Islam as the State Religion and Bahasa Malayu as the official language." That was obvious a premature move done without transparency and little public participation.

B.A.2.4.6. Tan Sri Panglima R A Lind wrote an article titled "Sabahans still need safeguards" (Sabah Daily Express 30th January, 2005. The question here is that what little safeguards left are meaningless, when gross neglect is the better description.

B.A.2.4.7. Datuk Dr. Herman Luping's article titled "Decades after, Sabah is second poorest state ...why? (The Borneo Post -14th September 2003) wrote "The second time a crisis was engineered was when he appointed John Dusing as the State Secretary. The Head of State Tun Datu Mustapha Harun refused to sign the appointment letter thus causing a constitutional crisis. Tun Stephens lost the post of Chief Minister. (Section A42).

B.A.2.4.8. Datuk Dr. Herman Luping's article titled "Unity debate shows KDM most marginalised" wrote "The KDM are the most affected and as the debate showed, they are the most marginalised communities in the country. For one thing their numbers have decreased or eroded due largely to the increase in number of other communities. These other communities have increased because of the large number of erstwhile illegal immigrants granted citizenship."

B.A.2.4.9. Apartheid Phenomenon can be seen to impact the performance of Employees Provident Funds (EPF) for a few decades when the dividends are lower by 2-4% annually as compared with other Government linked funds where only bumiputra are the beneficiaries. Majority members of EPF are non Muslims. EPF's lack of transparency give rise to much manipulation of the massive fund that the unexplained losses can be between RM50-100 billions in a few decades. (Section D243-246). One of the major likely losses in EPF could be from the education loans given to PTPTN, where graduates have yet to repay almost RM9 billions loans given out since 1998. PTPTN is expected to secure another loan of RM2 billions from EPF at the end of 2005. I believe the bulk of loanees of PTPTN are bumiputra. (Section A49)

B.A.2.4.10 The different treatments or advantages in Income Tax Return for the Muslim Bumiputra to service the official religion, when religion is a personal matter bears testimony of the unfair prejudice. (Section A56). It goes to show that freedom of worship can be sidelined in an Islamic State as declared recently in 2001 based on the majority of the people professing Islam when that enhanced rate include unqualified outsiders becoming citizens as holders of genuine identity cards. Freedom of worship means complete discharge of that obligation individually, but for Islam it has the added provision of the Federal Constitution, that Muslims cannot convert to other religions when other religions cannot evangelise Muslims. On the other hand Islam can evangelise to all other religions.

B.A.2.4.11. How New Economic Policy (NEP) has failed can be shown by the latest United Nations Human Development (UNHDP) Report 2004 that shows Malaysia has the worst income disparity between the rich and poor in South East Asia. The UNHDP Report 2004 shows the richest 10% in Malaysia controls 38.4% of our economic income as compared to our poorest 10% controlling only 1.7%. That deemed failure is the ugly manifestation of the Apartheid Phenomenon likened to lopsided deals benefitting a small group of beneficiary when the intention had been deliberately deviated by the process of implementation.

B.A.2.4.12. The system of Approved Permits for import of foreign cars into the country for a almost two decades under the intention to help bumiputra and to support the local car industries has harmed the minorities in the economic context when massive tax evasion prevail against public interest. (Section A45). As far as Sabah is concerned, the qualified people only managed to secure a very small percentage of such allocation available to the nation. (Section A46)

B.A.2.4.13. The NEP as instituted in 1970 was possibly a social contract, but in the latest UMNO's Assembly there is an expectation that NEP be revived obviously without consultation with the partners in the National Front Government (BN) of major three races namely Malays, Chinese and Indians plus other native groups in Sabah and Sarawak. While NEP is the naked vehicle of Apartheid Phenomenon, there maybe some dilution from the South African version as the BN's Government is comprised of other non Malay groups. But in the Sabah context, we are getting the leftovers from the demands of mainstream activities in Peninsula.

B.A.2.4.14. Apartheid Phenomenon has "blossomed" to the detriment of the majority people in Sabah by a mixture of abuse of power, corruption, cronyism, since the early days of Independence as a Former Director of Sabah Foundation had enriched himself by his own admission and exposed by another booklet (Section A50-51).

B.A.2.4.15. There was a British report as how "upfront" money of £100 millions in 1988/89 in an arms deal with the British Government was given to the powerful people of Malaysia at the expense of public interest. (Section A54). Also the ex Prime Minister Tun Dr. M had admitted he finished everything when the country has no funds (Section A52) hence I had much earlier presented a list titled "legacy" (Section A53) and a letter titled "Financial burden into the future can be trillions of Ringgit?" (Section B28). This is only possible under the bias pursuit of Apartheid Phenomenon evident by documentary submission in this brief titled "IC case for ICC".

B.A.2.4.16. Kuala Lumpur and London Talks on Malaysia- Agreement on Establishment of Federation by Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, and Sabah The financial question s previously in dispute between Singapore and Malaya were settled in the following manner: (1) 60 per cent of the Federal revenue collected in Singapore would be paid to the Singapore Government and 40 per cent to the Federal Government: (2) to assist development in the Borneo territories, Singapore would make available to the Federal Government a 15-year loan of 100,000,000 Malayan dollars, free of interest for the first five years, and a 15-year loan of 50,000,000 Malayan dollars at current market rates in the Federation (i.e. 150,000,000 Malaya dollars in all or about £17,500,000). (Source: Keesing's Contemporary Archives- November 2-9, 1963) (Appendix C).
Was the Sabah's portion fulfilled? Why the sharing proportion as with Simgapore not applied to Sabah? Was Article 8, on the Intergovernmental Committee recommendations fully complied?
C. PUBLIC AND MY EFFORTS - a journey of 35 years.

C.1. This volume would be very bulky if I were to attach all those daily and weekly comments from the people in Sabah about the twin disturbing issues in -Crimes against humanity- raised here. You can sense them in my books as attached in Section D. You will see how much has been pursued peacefully as per list titled "PEACEFUL ROAD" (appendix A) and for me in this effort, it was started with alert in letter titled "ICs: We must act positively" (May 1987) and the quiet campaign against wealth depletion and abuse of power since 1970.

C.2. I cannot give more emphasis except to mention that in the case of South Africa, it took the international community as initiated by United Nation International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid under ratification by General Assembly resolution 3068 (XXVIII) of 30 November 1973 entry into force 18 July 1976, some 21 years to bring down Apartheid there in 1994. So in our case, it would develop into full bloom APARTHEID in Malaysia irreparable from the Apartheid Phenomenon, if the world body and the honourable International Criminal Court fails to act now.

C.3. A timely reminder comes from a Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lecture 2005 entitled "The Role of the Judge in a Human Rights World" held in Kuala Lumpur where Cherie Booth said "The responsibility for a value-based substantive commitment to democracy rests in large part on judges. The wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Booth said the importance of the judiciary in this context was that judges in constitutional democracies were set apart as the guardians of individual rights. Our Courts and Judges would not likely entertain such requests as we have observed over 42 years as the issues are so huge and wide ranging that need the global independent dimension to be involved. I have circulated to a dozen senior legal firms of this intention to file the case to ICC, but my effort has drawn a blank.

C.4. I have done much already with many of my alerts here including a brief in Section C on My personal struggle and submission to Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) for perusal and attention. That brief also contains my biodata for your reference. No news has been received from Suhakam to my submission for redress of injustice of the stigma that is still over me since 1970. I had also submitted complaints to the national leaders, the Sabah Governor and Police. My books namely EPIC of Sabah, EPIC of Sabah 2nd Ed and Sabah Wealth - image of woods power (Section D) contain many alerts of mine, but of course all fallen on deaf ears.

C.5. At the sitting of the Parliament's Select committee on Unity and National service at Kota Kinabalu in June, 2005 quite a lot of speakers touch on these two issues in varying dimensions, but the eventual recommendation may come much later (not known) and yet our expectation for total change can be unfulfilled going by the way it has been for four decades.

C.6. No doubt about these twin issues as a component party Gerakan in the ruling Barisan Nasional (National Front), have come out to voice their views in the eve of my submission of this case. Read their timely views titled "Stop the talk for true unity" (Appendix B)
I, Joshua KONG Yun Chee, of Sabah, Malaysia humbly submit this case in pages 1-7 as supported by a brief titled "IC Case for ICC" for your honourable consideration and hearing.

Joshua Kong Yun Chee Witnessed by:-
NRIC 480823-12-5003
Dated: August 2005
Filed with the International Criminal Court of the United Nations on
th September 2006 as No. 1 Sept of 2006 with supporting documents up to March 2006

Plaintiff: Joshua Kong Yun Chee of P. O. Box 11923, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Defendants: The Yang Di Pertuan Agung of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur,

The Government of Malaysia, Prime Minister, Putrajaya, Malaysia,

The Former Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Putrajaya, Malaysia

The Governor of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu.

Brief particulars of the complaint (second portion):-
As a citizen of the State of Sabah which formed Malaysia on 16th September, 1963, and a Malaysian, the plaintiff has been aggrieved since then and relying on the further Statement of Claims are per page 2 in this second portion and related supporting documents per list Appendix and the plaintiff would like the honourable International Court to deal the two major complaints namely ethnic cleansing (most suitable word to use) and apartheid phenomenon (by virtue of not declared). These two complaints unless dealt with properly have reached the stage of no return for ordinary people of Malaysia especially the minorities (once majority) in the State of Sabah.

Appropriate attention and Remedy
As the Statute of the International Criminal Court has a provision for compensation and other likely action to provide relief to the aggrieved people for decades, it is anticipated that a Trust Fund of at least RM40 billions (Ringgit Malaysia Forty Billions) be set up for the benefit of the genuine Malaysians residing in Sabah for the lost opportunities and rights as neglected and abused by the defendants. This figure would be identified by various categories.
It is also expected that a proper instituted Royal Commission of Inquiry on the genuine identity cards as abused and given to the extra people who are illegal and outsider under dubious schemes for decades to resolve the substantive ethnic cleansing with adverse impact on the other fronts namely social, politics, religion and economy.

Any other measures deemed appropriate.

With deep conviction and in all sincerity without fear or favour
Submitted by plaintiff on behalf of Sabahans the brief statement of claims in page 2.

Joshua KONG Yun Chee

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Dated: September, 2006

(NB: after March 2006 another bulky brief can be prepared)
NB: The first portion was submitted in August, 2005 as acknowledged per 40.

by fax and courier URGENT please

My ref: JK-independence/1/September, 2006 By Courier September, 2006

The Chief Administrator / Registrar ,

Dear very Honourable Court,
Re: Submission of a case from Sabah, Borneo Malaysia - second portion

Further to my submission letter reference JK-independence/1/August, 2005 dated 17th August, 2005 and your reply reference OTP-CR-118/05 dated 8th November, 2005, I would like to submit another bulky brief on the same subject matter.

2. The content of your letter is fully understood, and please consider this case again when more information is presented to you as you wrote "new facts".

3. All those developments in Malaysia are known to the world especially the United Nations and its agencies.. United Nations and its agencies had been releasing various types of reports on Malaysia regularly. I have included a couple of such public reports. I would like to ask what is the agenda of the United Nations in releasing those costly reports.

4. Following the press statement of a related UN's agency is from the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) in "SUHAKAM QUERIES POPULATION EXPLOSION" (Sabah's Daily Express 24th December 2005) as per copy on page 1 of this second brief., Suhakam has issued another press statement on 23rd August 2006 as per page 16 of this brief.

5. Every piece of the documents that I had submitted has a link to the two counts - ethnic cleansing and apartheid phenomenon. My books as submitted to you are not challenged by any quarters is assuring enough of the worthiness to pursue the case further.

6. I will be preparing a schedule to support the minimum claim of the Trust Fund of RM40 billions based on known facts and figures since 1963.

7. Meanwhile, I wonder how many Governments in the world legislate / act in favour of the majority against the already marginalised minority. If that is not apartheid, I would not know how else we can describe that?

8. The marginalised minority especially in Sabah is already too weak to act and I hope the International Criminal Court in a favourable position would refer these complaints to the parent body. I would not know what to expect if I were to address this direct to the very busy United Nations.

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,

Joshua Kong
further STATEMENT OF CLAIMS of Joshua Kong Yun Chee, a Malaysia residing in Sabah
A brief guidance on the points that need to be highlighted in the pages of 1-44.
(see page numbers in box)

PAGES marked 1-15 and 38, 39 & 40 give a clearer picture of the issue of outsiders given identity cards of a million and more as confirmed by the excessive rate of annual growth in Sabah amongst the States in Malaysia (15)

This ethnic cleansing is made worst when there is ongoing claim despite sort of dormant on Sabah by the Philippines when the Sulu Sultanate is itself defunct. The claim has sort of an impact to urge others to come to Sabah legally and illegally using the home troubles as an excuse. This agenda is like a Trojan likely to create havoc - two prongs namely take advantage of the Federal's intention to reduce the majority in local natives using outsiders and a claim likely to materialise in their favour when the children of extra people identity cards (EPIC) become adults. On the way to that objective, the downside of ethnic cleansing prevails.

While domestic actions like the latest signature campaign (SC) as proposed by a group with myself involved, and the Chief Minister insistence that SC is unnecessary, it is still a long drawn up affairs requiring the Federal Government and the King to sanction Royal Commission of Inquiry, this deep rooted issue now already a crisis demand international attention for a proper hearing by this ICC.

Other reference enclosed : EPIC of SABAH 3rd Edition.

PAGES marked 16-37 gives addition clear indications of these developments with special attention on the bias treatments as follows:-

Petronas - The advertisement marked 24 of loans and scholarship defaulters consist of all bumiputra. This affairs of aids as little known on how this wealth obtained substantially from Sabah's oil is diverted to only one special group, is now sort of exposed by this unusual newspaper advertisement.

Zakat - The re-distribution of sort of tax repayments by the Government to a certain privileged group as seen in these items on pages marked 26, 27 is questionable. It is to be construed as jizya (a sort of tax of non Muslims for the benefit of Muslims).

Business opportunities - The pages marked 18, 21 and 23 are quite self-explanatory as in favour of a certain privileged group.

Early funding as terms of formation of Malaysia - Pages 28-37 do indicate failed pledges for Sabah when Sabah joined Malaysia as one in four. Instead the Federal Constitution has been amended to make Sabah as one in thirteen making diminished financial allocations for Sabah for a few decades. This is the major ground for the compensation due to Sabah and substantial portion of the RM40 billions as anticipated for the Trust Fund to be set up for Sabah and Sabahans. I hope to provide a schedule of such deprivation and shortcomings.
In particular, the brief by Dr. Jomo as attached in pages do sort of confirm how badly we have been under the policy of Federalism.

NB: "Burden of the doom nation" is another summary [see 41-44].

Re: Submission of a case from Sabah, Borneo Malaysia - second portion

LIST of documents

Section A

Additional documents (new and old) - 40 pages JK 1 -40.

Section B

Documents (sample) presented by Dr. Chong Eng Leong to the
Malaysia Parliament Select Committee on Unity and National Service - 40 pages marked CEL 1 - 40.

The Political Economy of Malaysian Federalism: Economic Development, Public Policy and Conflict Containment
by Jomo K. S. and Wee Chong Hui - 44 pages marked U1-22A.

U. S. Department of State
Malaysia Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1998 - 15 pages marked R1-8

The US vs the UN - 3 pages marked R9 - 10

International Religious Freedom Report 2004 - 3 pages marked R11-12A.

Does the Federal Constitution support an Islamic or secular state? - 10 pages marked R13-R17A.

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2004 as 24 pages marked R 18-29A.

Philippines brings the Sabah dispute to the U. N.
the relevant portion of the Philippine Policy Statement in the United Nations- 10 pages marked 01-05A.

The Birth of Malaysia
The Report of the Commission of Enquiry -119 pages marked 1-119
The Report of the Inter-Governmental Committee, 1962 - 11 pages marked 120-130.

Agreement concluded between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Federation of Malays, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore. Cmnd 2094. - 120 pages marked 1-60A

My book "EPIC of Sabah 3rd Ed @2005 " Street kids" is the face of EPIC of SABAH. 88 pages marked 1-88.
by fax and courier VERY IMPORTANT & URGENT
Tel and Fax: 6088-722548; home mobile: 088 474513 email : and
My ref: JK -icc-2006-complaint/1/September, 2006 27 September, 2006
The Chief Administrator / Registrar ,

Dear Very Honourable Court,
It is timely that we have a re-look into these complaints affecting the three nations in the region namely Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia.
2. I had earlier submitted complaint in a bulky brief in August 2005 over Crimes against Humanity occurring in Sabah allowed by the Malaysian Government and now I am submitting another brief (second portion) for the Malaysian case of more than 500 pages.

3. With this letter, I would like exhort this honourable Court to show serious interests in Crimes against Humanity also committed by the Philippines and Indonesia and their respective peoples in Sabah since 1963.

4. Claims on Sabah as revived by the Philippines since 1962 and the Confrontation by the Indonesia since 1963 remain largely unresolved with the latest indications from them and their 'proxies' in Sabah.
5. Philippines Case against Sabah
5A. The Claim on Sabah by the Philippines is largely unjustified on the following grounds inter alia amongst others, apart from those relevant materials (some documents only) available in my first and second brief to ICC:-

5A1) The Filipino Government and those pretenders to the throne of the Sultanate of Sulu have largely encouraged their people to come over to Sabah on unjustified historic grounds in massive numbers. Such people do remain in Sabah illegally and also as dubious citizens of Malaysia (by possession of dubious identity cards). Such undesirable activities are crimes against humanity in Sabah. Many also have dual citizenship.

5A2) There are obvious events and incidences to indicate that the Filipino Government is involved in this clandestine Claim on Sabah firstly the official Filipino map still includes whole of North Borneo (now Sabah) as part of that country, and secondly the internal armed conflicts in the 1960s could be a disguise to push its people to come to Sabah to be treated as 'refugees" exacerbated by the doomed event known by its codename 'Jabidah' in 1968.

5A3) Dubious claims on Sabah by some pretenders to the throne of Sultanate of Sulu in disarray, are regularly made by them while remaining in Sabah. Malaysians in Sabah have to tolerate them and an irony indeed and injustice at its worst. In a world, where nations are separated by national boundaries, we have to recognise such order. Can such claimants claim Sabah when their people are already all over Sabah and Labuan and into other parts of Malaysia causing much rampage in such process? Even if the claimants think they have a historic right over a piece of land, they are actually claiming much more land than its historic boundary. They have indicated that the claimants want to kick Malaysians out of Sabah into Sarawak. While the dubious claim go on, their proxies do not limit themselves within that 'claimed' boundary but roam freely and abusively all over the land below the wind.

5A4) Although we have a very long coastline, the Filipino Government does not ever enforce any immigration control at all over its own people to stray into Sabah at ease and resulting in many piracies and kidnappings in Sabah soil.
6. Indonesian Case against Sabah
6A While the Confrontation maybe a thing of the past 1963-1965, the impact of that still lingers in the minds of the Indonesians at large and conflicts over land still go on as follows amongst others:-

6A1) Malaysians and Sabahans are experiencing much abuses of all sorts from the Indonesians (legal and illegal) who swamp Sabah for whatever reasons since 1963. Hundreds of thousands have also become dubious citizens of Malaysia. (refer to EPIC of Sabah in 3 editions)

6A2) Indonesian Government is quite helpless - deliberate or otherwise- to allow its people to come over to Sabah without due respect to the laws and orders of Sabah. When these people are here in great numbers, the Government of Indonesia would expect Sabah to provide them the same facilities accorded to the citizens of Malaysia. Most of them with or without proper travel documents and prone to crimes and public nuisance have no intention to go home unless deported.

6A3) Recently there have been some claims on the common territories around Sabah namely the Island Sipadan cum Ligitan (resolved by ICJ) plus unresolved claims over Sebatik and Ambalat Islands.
7. Next step
7A. I sincerely hope the ICC would examine the merits of this presentation on the Crimes against Humanity and in particular the 'ethnic cleansing' in Sabah arising from the citizenship abuses via the dubious identity cards affairs involved in Project IC concerning mainly the Filipinos and the Indonesians. The ethnic cleansing has directly and indirectly impacted adversely the Apartheid Phenomenon in Sabah as these dubious people have also become 'bumiputra' (prince of the soil), hence robbing the rights of the genuine natives and locals.

7B. Meanwhile I intend to submit another preliminary brief in my next submission (resources permitting) to support my complaint on these two neighbouring nations.

7C. I believe it is more worthy and appropriate for United Nations and ICC to institute a Commission of Truth over my claims as an independent party to gather the convincing evidence for the case to be put forward without fail and urgently before the situation in Sabah deteriorates as this had happened in many other oppressed regions.

8. Since Malaysia has little interest to resolve the 'territorial' crisis in Sabah since 1963, it is important that UN and ICC intervene now.

9. There is a deep cry in the hearts of Sabahans out of no fault of them to make a choice in 1963 for appropriate compensation as provided in the Statute of the International Criminal Court.

10. Sabah has been a very peaceful place in 1963 and today whatever developments we may have are unsustainable in many ways unless the pressing long overdue crisis including several failed or futile armed conflicts in our midst is resolved amicably promptly for the common good of the region.

11. The remedies as provided by the Statute of ICC and the appropriate quantum would be expected to be awarded to Sabah.

Thanking you in anticipation, on behalf of all concerned helpless Sabahans.

Yours faithfully,

Joshua Kong
This sites would give the perspective for ICC to take appropriate action of this case urgently:-- (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) go there to vote

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
SOS for Sabah quick ...

JK's Digest No. 18 of April 2007 (76 of 2007) If this is not onwards to anarchy, you tell me what?

1. Police fighting a losing war in society. (see below). 60,000 more Police is not the answer.

2. Anti Corruption Agency DG is himself a high profile case of corruption suspect.

3. The Parliament and State Assemblies are faulty or illegal because of rigged elections.

4. Johore had a massive flood over a three month periods including clearance of mud.

5. Pahang has to endure a major wild fire over 50 hectares of forest for the second time in two years.

6. Kelantan has its Lojing Forest reserves in ruin due to likely illegal logging.

7. Penang may suffer water shortage as Kedah flexes its musles.

8. Generally, Malaysia is in a helpless scenario of runaway corruptions at all levels.

9. Sabah is flooded with dubious/fake citizens as now exposed in 2007 with the present Chief Minister out to harm society by bringing more Pakistani.

10. Sarawak with a stagnant population due to the presence of frightening gangster groups for a long time.

11. The prices of all essential goods have escalated by about 20% within one year.

12. Many other signs of unruliness and disarray.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
Introduction to TSUNAMI of Illegals & Illegalities in Sabah September 2007 by Joshua Kong

1. Police Report on EPIC (Extra People IC) 28 October 2004 KK/RPT/23408/04
I want the Police to investigate the various issues derived through research of the Official Census for four decades since independence as they are mainly dealt with in my two books - EPIC of Sabah (2002) and EPIC of Sabah 2nd Edition (2004).
I had also given a half hour presentation at the 7th International Biennial Conference organised by the Borneo Research Council as the University Malaysia Sabah in July 2002 on the topic "EPIC of Sabah" (refer to the write up on page 6 of EPIC of Sabah - 2nd Edition).
I had sent Memos of these books to the Malaysian leaders and the Governor of Sabah calling for the institution of Royal Commission of Inquiry to resolve the issue once and for all.
The issues raised in these two books are very crucial especially in the context of terrorism and the regularly revived claim on Sabah, although this claim is questionable.
The main issues raised in these two books are as follows:-
1) My research from the official statistics indicate there are one million and more extra people with identity cards dubiously issued. (page 4 in EPIC of Sabah).
2) Other major issues in EPIC of Sabah for the period 1995-2003 are as follows:-
2A) The excessive departure of Malaysians for the period of 778,098 with grave security implications. (refer page 23)
2B) Bruneians departures from Sabah far exceeded arrivals of 191,810 (page 25)
2C) Indonesians overstaying of 628,180 (page 24).
2D) Filipino overstaying of 24,508 (page 24) The registered figures are not realistic.
3) The concerns over genuine, and fake identity documents issued to illegals to become bumiputra overnight.
3A) There were several press reports of the IC factories busted (page 45 & 86);
3B) There was another I/C factory busted in April, 2004. (Press copy attached).
Just want to know what happened to people arrested/wanted for those illegal operations.
(NB: Pages in items 2 & 3 above are from EPIC of Sabah - 2nd Edition).
4) Please investigate why the last 4 digits of MyKad with range starting with 5000 can be up to 6000 and more, are so big with very high daily births when the actual average daily births are 100-200.
I would like to call on the Police to recommend to the Government for the Royal Commission of Inquiry on EPIC based on the term and reference in Chapter 7 of EPIC of Sabah and reproduced in page 9 of the 2nd Edition.
Joshua Kong Yun Chee of Hse 15, Lrg Berembun 2, Tmn Regent Ph2B, off Jalan Lintas Penampang,
28th October 2004.

2. PR and ACA -The RM5 Billion water Malaise in Sabah 28 Oct 04 KK/RPT/23409/04 and ACA submitted on 15-3-04 Also faxed to Prime Minister and ACA KL
Since I lodged a report to the ACA, Kota Kinabalu, and faxed to ACA KL, Prime Minister, Auditor General Kuala Lumpur, and Director Audit Sabah, on 15th March, 2004 and inserted small advertisment on the issues 18th and 19th March, 2004, I got some feed back from the public that they want to know more about this "The RM5 billion water malaise in Sabah".
Since my report requesting the authority to investigate into the irregularities of water authority as indicated by my research, I had updated such data with more research.
1) Inconsistent billings and collections (good consumers had been over charged by up to RM250 millions in 3 decades)
I did some research and analysis of the financial affairs of the State of 40 years in the process on completing my book "Sabah Wealth - image of woods power". When I did a summary of the water revenue since 1967, I realise that the collection of revenue from water was inconsistent year on year as per table below.
Incredible it may be that this phenomenon is reflected in the table below namely the revenue for the period 1986-1990 was very low as low as about RM440,000 in 1990 when there was a sudden surge in 1992 of RM35.122 million due to massive water cuts and inflated bills. In 1993, only RM27,000 and none in 1994 were collected. I have now seen that a statement showing a client paying almost RM200 in 1994. Then in 1995, water revenue began to pick up from a meagre RM353,000 collection in 1994 rising to RM27m in 1996 after the privatisation of water bills collections. The revenue for the respective State Governments were about RM27.4 m(67-75); RM35.3m (76-84); RM47.5m (85-93) RM324.3 m (94-02).
There had been hue and cry by many consumers when threatened with water cuts in the last two decades as reported in the press of unaccounted cash paid and irregular statements. I had observed such discrepancies in the bills of my rented house of statements not updated for years possibly not accounted for, but consumers were too weak to challenge the water cuts as how many would keep their receipts for a decade or so. So it would appear the good consumers had been paying excessive demands for water charges as accumulated in 1983 and 1992. The payment received for the period 1996-2002 would likely to have an element of excessive charges -partial privatised collections. Despite very good collections in recent years, threatened water cuts to start 8th March 2004 have been delayed partly due to the General Elections and my effort raising issues with Water Department.
I had seen this massive mismanagement since 1993 and the breakthrough happens when I was asked to check out a Water disconnection arising from an outstanding amount of RM447, which confirms irregularities.
2) Water meters Scandal of more than 0RM50 million
What is the outcome of this allegation and the appropriate action?
3) Privatisation programme and debts outstanding of about RM600 millions
Despite the State Government had spent RM1.674 billions for 1993-2002 and unknown amount in 2003 for this programme, there remain a long outstanding debt of about RM600 m to the three concessionaires. These past deals must be scrutinised from all relevant aspects to clear doubts of possible corruption. Would the Government come transparent?
4) New proposed total privatisation programme with Ranhill (State had invested at least RM3 billion)
Please examine if the deal is to benefit the State and the consumers without unnecessary hardship to the honest consumers as water would be very expensive soon.
5) Illegal water connections and water loss
Please also assess how much of these losses of revenue arising thereof from the lack of enforcement.
It is also obvious that politics play a role in the collection of water revenue. Water an essential commodity is getting scarcer by the day due to many factors and I urge the Anti Corruption Agency and the Government to investigate the performance of the Water Authority.
Joshua Y. C. Kong, Kota Kinabalu, 19th March 2004 ,
I had lodged a Police report on the EPIC of a million and more people on 28th October, 2004,

3. UMNO Sabah and its landed properties(USH) KK/RPT/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 (5 reports in one)
Who can miss that big construction bill board facing the City Police Headquarters at Karamunsing, Kota Kinabalu?
Many questions have been raised and in the Internet there is a major article on this on-going project in the land next to the BSN building.
For reference, I have included the downloaded articles in Bahasa Malaysia and English from the Internet published in the website Malaysia Today (MT) as attached USH1-9. I have seen the pages of the printed book titled “Cabinet April Fool” (CAF) which I believe is not banned at this point in time after asking relevant authorities.
I would like the Police to deal with the following issues when many important issues are mentioned in MT and others :-
1) How is that a piece of strategic State land via the State’s agency Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO) can end up in this development? How does the State benefit (lost opportunities and financial revenue) from such project when the construction project was started before the title was issued? Was the land offered for free and free of land premium for a commercial project? Were there any tenders for the land, project etc?
2) The project was started in mid 2003 after launched by the then Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir on 16th May, 2003 and the title was believed to have been issued much later possibly in 2004. The bill board erected in July/August 2003 showed the land application reference. (ref photo USH10 ). Who actually owns this piece of land?
3) The inconsistency of the Sabah Land & Survey Department in dealing with lands of Sabah and this one appears to be a glaring one amongst many others.
I leave it to the Police and the relevant authorities to deal with the many issues raised in the pages of MT and others articles with regards to corruption, abuse of power, nepotism, cronyism etc.
If MT, CAF and others are deemed to be improper, then it is up to the relevant authorities to act accordingly.
Joshua Kong Yun Chee H0122318 of hse no. 15, Lorong Berembun 2, Tmn Regent Ph 2B, off Jalan Lintas, Luyang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu. P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu.
Joshua Kong Date: 21 December 2004
enclosures: USH1-9 -Internet article in BM and English
USH10 Photo and Borneo Post article 17 Dec 04
Police Report lodged at Karamunsing Police Station, Kota Kinabalu on 21 December 2004

4. UMNO Sabah and its membership (USKA) KK/RPT/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 (5 reports in one)
There have been many allegations of the swelling membership consisting substantial illegals and dubiously legalised outsiders in the United Malays National Organisation Sabah (UMNO Sabah) since the branch was established in Sabah in the early 1990s.
I would like to refer to the relevant details as laid out in the 526 pages book “IC Palsu -Merampas Hak Anak Sabah” (ICP) by Mutalib M. D. ISBN 983-9280-32-5 Cetakan Kedua April, 1999. Pages 230 and 231 as sample are attached for reference.
It appears it is known that some quarters had lodged Police Report about this book, but unknown of the outcome.
I would urged the Police and relevant authorities to take appropriate action for such affairs especially UMNO Sabah had participated in three General Elections in 1994, 1999, 2004.
If ICP and other publications are deemed to be improper, then it is up to the relevant authorities to act accordingly.
Joshua Kong Yun Chee H0122318 of hse no. 15, Lorong Berembun 2, Tmn Regent Ph 2B, off Jalan Lintas, Luyang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu. P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu
Joshua Kong Date: 21 December 2004
encl: USKA - appendix
Police Report lodged at Karamunsing Police Station, Kota Kinabalu on 21 December 2004

5. Bank Negara & Ringgit Notes (BNRM) KK/RPT/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 (5 reports in one)
Bank Negara and Currency notes of varied sizes of same denomination
I had written this letter and published in the Daily Express titled "Why are Ringgit notes of different sizes?" Daily Express 24 November 2002
Has anyone actually checked those Ringgit notes we have?
Most of us would presume everything is all right. But, I just could not believe when I found that the notes were all of different sizes even though they were of the same value denomination.
I would imagine that currency notes of such official quality would adhere to standard sizes as legal tender.
But checking less than 50 pieces of notes I had, I observed that the sizes are different, up to half a centimetre (cm) in width or height.
What would be the first impressions if such notes are of various sizes with modern printing technologies of precision? There may be many reasons for such manifestations.
Would it be possible that “rejected” goods in the finished notes had come back into the circulation? Has any commercial bank noticed such anomalies?
Would the relevant authorities enlighten us?
Since 24th November 2002, there appears to be no official reply and so I would like the Police to conduct an investigation into such discrepancies which can be tens of billions worth of Ringgit in the market place in circulation.
Against a background of many reports of fake notes, but such notes appears to be legal tenders as these notes are cashed out from the banks. Why should such varied sizes by measurement are in circulation?
As it is a great financial concern, it would appear that the Bank Negara as the issuing bank of legal tender may be neglecting in its enforcement of only quality notes to be in circulation, not to give consumers raw deals hence affecting public confidence in the economy.
Has the Bank Negara investigated into such discrepancies in the sizes of respective denominations and come out with a report for such occurrences?
Joshua Kong Yun Chee H0122318 of hse no. 15, Lorong Berembun 2, Tmn Regent Ph 2B, off Jalan Lintas, Luyang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu. P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu
Joshua Kong Date: 21 December 2004

6. Non Revenue Water (NRW) KK/RPT/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 (5 reports in one)
Further to my report lodged with the Police on the water malaise of RM5 billions in Sabah on 28th October, 2004, I would like go into two areas of that report with more details so that the massive losses can be addressed accordingly.
Since my report to the Anti Corruption Agency on 15th March, 2004 and the Police Report on the water malaise, more official information have emerged from the Ministry in charge of Water through the press . I have also done more research and souls searching into the root causes of the water malaise in two areas namely irregular billings and water loss. Hence I have come out with another paper (NRW) as per attached.
I would like the Police to investigate into the following key areas namely:-
1) The Water Department must do specific research into the massive water losses to identify all the possible areas which have given rise to the massive losses in Non revenue water (NRW) at eighty percent 80% and come up with the financial figure with each likely category of loss. The fact that Sabah has been paying RM257 millions per year for treated water at a comparative higher rate is a factor for this greater value loss. In my paper (NRW) attached I have endeavoured to show the likely areas of the NRW.
2) Has the Government considered that the public water had been resold for a massive profit at the expense of the consumers and public funds when the provisions of the Statutes disallow that? Ref NRW
3) Has the Audit Department done any audit into the bills and statement of the subscribers and the operations of the water department? If this been done, how does that arise that there are tens of thousands of missing or non metered consumers as reported in the press in Sabah? However the schedule in page NRW does not indicate such levels of connections in recent years.
4) Would the Government investigate into the required level of water supplies when it is seen that the supply is deemed very excessive hence the greater loss over the past decade.? Was it a contractual commitment?

Has the Government commenced review of the water department under the new State Minister so as to determine if the level of operating expenditure of about RM80m per year is still desirable when the treated water is substanitally done by private companies for almost a decade?
Joshua Kong Yun Chee H0122318 of hse no. 15, Lorong Berembun 2, Tmn Regent Ph 2B, off Jalan Lintas, Luyang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu. P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu.
Joshua Kong Date: 21 December 2004 Bahasa Malaysia Version - over leaf
attachment: NRW1-4 Ordinance and enactment (prohibit resale of water).
NRW5-Actual revenue showing 0 for 1994.
NRW6, 7 - press cuttings
NRW8-10 -Paper on NRW

7. Petronas & Sabah (P&S) KK/RPT/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 (5 reports in one)
Petronas and its performance and impact on the welfare of Sabah Why has this become an issue after 28 years since 1976?
It is really patriotism that we raise this issue now, as a natural development in a nation deemed to enjoy equal benefits from the resources of the nation. We are not asking for wealth from another part of Malaysia but within our own shores. The case of Terengganu yet to be resolved in the Courts is not applicable to Sabah for historical and geographical reasons.
While the current rate of the royalty at 5% has been openly queried by so many quarters in recent years asking for more increase of that percentage, I am more concerned about the whole operations and the management of the fuel oil around Sabah by Petronas which had been assigned outright by agreements to deal with the production of the fossil fuels. I believe the profit sharing of successful wells found in Sabah had been determined with outsiders for very long periods hence there is no provision for any mechanism of changes mid way.
In the absence of transparency and accountability when Sabah is not entitled to verify the performance of the Petronas and Sabah is not likely a shareholder of that company, it is now timely that the Government looks into the following areas.
1) Do we know why the recent brief reports up to 31st March 2003 and even up to same year ended 31st March 2004, Petronas had been lacking in financial performance since commenced operation for almost 28 years? How efficient and effective are the regulations of the Federal Government over the Petronas company? The Government seems to be satisfied despite poor performance for the massive funds.
2) What is the rationale of Petronas investing heavily in foreign exploration (deemed risky) activities in 35 countries when our own sectors are allocated to foreign companies? Petronas should present detailed accounts for such operations and the returns expected of such adventures over the years for public consumption as part of the good governance and accountability when the national interests and national resources are involved.
3) As far as the Sabah sector is concerned, can we know who actually own the resources found in the shores of Sabah. It would appear Petronas only owns a small percentage of the oil finds and bulk of the shareholding is held by outsiders. Who are the real shareholders of these substantial shareholding held by foreigners? Why is it that Petronas would not invest more in our own shores?
4) The Finance Minister II made a statement in the Parliament about Sabah getting more percentage of the oil royalty but it was withdrawn soon after. Would the Government review the whole operation of Petronas in the context of globalisation and the volatile prices cum strategic resources?
5) With so many massive new oil wells in Sabah, yet our oil will be exhausted in 18/19 years from now, and would the Government explain this scenario in greater details? Oil is sold in barrels but Sabah’s data as available is expressed in tonne. The data of crude oil exports and value as per schedule P&S 1 and graph P&S 1 would indicate that only 11 out of 27 years the oil fetched the price level above the Sabah’s average of RM441,000 per 1,000 tonne. It would appear that more oil were sold when the prices were low. The graphs show great volatility. Who make such business decisions- Petronas or the Concessionaires?
I have written a couple published letters on Petronas (ref pages P&S 2), and it is rightly that I raise relevant pressing issues to the appropriate authorities through this Police Report to deal with some major anomalies unfolding before us. I trust this effort would bring the grudges held by many over the way Petronas had been conducting itself to a level where the public can be positively informed. One of the questions so often asked is that despite our resources in timber and fossil fuel, Sabah is now so poor with hardcore poverty at about 16% and more. Every one in Sabah can be a millionaire, and yet many are surviving from hands to mouths with the level of costs of living here, and how can we really explain to the people of Malaysia? Despite our timber image gone, the cost of living has not gone down, instead the trend is still upwards.
Joshua Kong Yun Chee H0122318 of hse no. 15, Lorong Berembun 2, Tmn Regent Ph 2B, off Jalan Lintas, Luyang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu. P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu.
Joshua Kong Date: 21 December 2004
enclosures: P&S 1 - graphs and export schedule; P&S2- my letters;
P&S3 and 4 press statements

8. Identity Cards -genuine and dubious in the hands of illegals under P1/P2 'Project Mahathir'
Karamunsing Rpt/0227/06 21 June 06
It has been reported in the press (New Sabah Times and DE per app 1 and app 2 ) that there were schemes to give genuine identity cards to the illegal people who come to Sabah over a long period and one of the schemes is allegedly known as Project Mahathir.
It is also known that such hideous schemes were coded P1/P2 when P2 is referred to the Project Mahathir. P1 is referred to Chief Ministers of Sabah in 1970s and the early 1980s.
As a result of these projects IC, several hundreds of thousands of genuine identity cards were issued in a few decades to the illegal ultra vires the Federal Constitution. Millions of dubious citizens including children of these questionable people have caused the exploded population in Sabah and many of this group of people have also found their ways to Kuala Lumpur mostly through Labuan FT. Many of these dubious people are also members of Sabah UMNO.
Such facts on the exploded population are found in various sources namely IC Palsu by Mutalib M D., EPIC of Sabah (3 editions) by Joshua Y. C. Kong, Suhakam's press reports, several Parliament reports, Kamal Sadiq of University of California -Irvine in a paper titled "When States Prefer Non-Citizens over Citizens: Conflict over Illegal Immigration into Malaysia and many press reports and letters by Dr. Chong Eng Leong and others in the Forums in the newspapers.
Anwar Ibrahim as a member of Keadilan rather than an Advisor said " Legal Status, citizenship, some of them. What has been done from 1971 again, from the time of Tun Razak, Hussein Onn, that I don't think we are in a position to revoke but we have large numbers of illegal ....." (Interview with Daily Express 11th June 2006) Appendix 4 & 4A.
We would urge the Police and the relevant authorities to investigate this unfortunate affairs of Project Mahathir that has caused "ethnic cleansing" in Sabah, & much anxiety to the local population in a once peaceful and harmonious Sabah.
We would like the Police to investigate how was the P1/P2 financed and modus operandi thereof, and if so how much were likely to have been incurred for such massive numbers?
The undersigned as President, Women President and Acting Secretary General of Consumers Association of Sabah & Labuan FT are making this report based on the public announcements until today.
NB: The Bahasa Malaysia version is translated from the English text.
Datuk Patrick Sindu Hashima bte Hasbullah Joshua Kong Yun Chee
President , CASH Women President , CASH Acting Secretary General, CASH
Also enclosed are some documents of the relevant sources of the facts -appendix 3 and 5-9.
App 3- news cuttings; App. 5 & 5A - EPIC of Sabah; App. 6-6D - IC Palsu; App. 7 - Dr. Chong;
App. 8- Kamal Sadiq dan App. 9 - Signature Campaign of Pacific with the terms and conditions.

9. On the conduct of the 11th National General Elections and 10th Sabah State General Elections- 21 March 2004 by the Election Commission (EC) K'sing/Rpt/10281/06 26 December 06
I, Joshua Kong Yun Chee want to lodge a Report as follows:-
Democratic election processes must be seen to be conducted fairly and orderly with minimum disruptions and discrepancies, but many observations appear otherwise namely:-
1) Frequent allegations of the faulty electoral rolls can be a reality as dubious citizens and/or phantom voters prevail as in Project IC/ Project M and other Police reports. (refer A48, A49 (latest book Project IC), A51- examples only).
2) The questioned conduct of the elections by all concerned EC included prior to nominations, during nominations, after nominations during campaign period and polling day including the votes counting and results. 3) The Gazette dated 12th April, 2004 available in print in July 2004 in Kota Kinabalu confirm the discrepancies generally in the issues of ballot paper for Parliament seat and the total of respective State seats under that particular Parliament seat. (Sabah's scenarios in A2 and a few sample of others in A4). Sabah scenario is also illustrated in 4 specific cases in Q1-4 while others are in another 4 specific case in Q5-8. Q1-8 are provided in details in A1 (lower portion) for cross references. Such rampant discrepancies create great suspicion on the conduct of the EC especially on polling day.
Attached with this report are samples of observations of discrepancies, errors as marked in diamond shaped note plus press cuttings of about 50 pages.
In any possible misconduct of elections, rigging and irregularities may prevail giving rise to injustice when Government is formed. (A46, A47, A49).
In view of many complaints and questionable incidences, as indicated in pages marked (A38-53), it is suggested that a Royal Commission of Inquiry be held to establish beyond doubt that 'electoral frauds' as perceived by some quarters had not taken place. In the meantime, it is an open question as to how the present EC can conduct any future elections with the full confidence of the consumers who are also likely be the voters and candidates.
Kong Yun Chee @Joshua, 480823-12-5003, 58 yr of 15 Tmn Regent Ph 2B, Lrg Berembun 2, Penampang. Sabah, Malaysia
Chartered Accountant and Secretary General of Consumers Association of Sabah & Labuan FT.
Akauntan Bertauliah dan Setiausaha Agung - Persatuan Pengguna Sabah dan WP Labuan
26th December 2006 Kota Kinabalu. (NB: The Version in English is the basis of this report)

10. Police Report on Land Issues in Sabah Karamunsing/002428/07 14 February 2007
There are a whole range of massive abuses and shortcomings in the management of our land and its resources by the Government and its main agency the Land and Survey Department as follows:-
1) Premium and annual rent charged are of various levels of rates ranging from a minimum of RM1 irrespective of areas as stipulated in the land titles. A brief analysis in appendix A forms the basis of such phenomenon and disparities, discrepancies and likely abuses. The State depends on such land revenue. There are over 300,000 land titles issued in Sabah. Without the likely options to amend or restructure the stipulated revenue terms UPWARD in those titles as issued, it is likely to be a shortfalls of revenues in premiums and annual rent to the tune of RM1 trillion for land tenures ranging from 99 to 999 years. Would such phenomenon be due to abuses, misapplied Land Laws and appropriate corrective actions long overdue as even the Federal Audit Department has likely failed to detect such abuses, discrepancies and disparities as illustrated in Appendix A (pages 5-7)? Such titles as reference only are attached in Section 3 (pages 21-37).
2) There are allegations that land titles have been issued to dubious people (project IC holders) unqualified to be entitled to such land offers of alienated land on applications when land are largely meant for the local and registered local companies so that the local people would not be landless. There are allegations of cases of non Sabahans equipped with dubious Anak Negeri Certificates who have acquired native titles only to be converted to Country leases for quick gains. Should the Land and Survey Department register such transfers? These allegations should be investigated accordingly. Such land deals and questionable land offers -null and void- should be returned to a trust fund to be managed properly for the poor and landless genuine citizens of Sabah.
3) There are also many other major allegations of land abuses as reported and unreported in the press. A list of that (not complete) in Appendix B (page 8) and some newspaper cuttings are attached here in section 2 (pages 11-20).
4) Purpose of alienated land and idle lands are areas of concern. State lands as alienated are for purposes of development and productive usage with specific conditions but in many cases such lands are either sold off for quick gains or have remained idle lands.
5) The root causes of such widespread abuses, weaknesses, shortcomings can be due to the neglect of the State Government in charge of the land matters where politicians have played questionable bias and entangled roles since 1963. The key personnel of the Land and Survey Department especially the Directors have largely contributed to the malaise. It is essential that the present and future Directors should be local and QUALIFIED enough to handle such responsible State position to restore public confidence.
It is very important that the proper Government and the Land and Survey Department as revamped and its related agencies address these issues now. It would appear that the present State and Federal Governments (legal or illegal) for past electoral mismanagement and obsessed with 'favouring' illegal people under Project IC, cannot absolve themselves from this land woes hence they would be unable to deal with this massive land malaise to redeem/avert the further grievous detriment of the State and the local people for decades. Meanwhile, it is for the Police to take whatever appropriate action but an independent public investigation with proper qualified appointees and capability is appropriate.
Kong Yun Chee @Joshua, NRIC 480823125003 and
Hse 26, Taman Iramanis, 0Lrg 5, Kolombong, Inanam, 88450 Kota Kinabalu. 088 474513, 088 432576 also fax
Chartered Accountant and Deputy President of Consumers' Association of Sabah & Labuan FT.
Akauntan Bertauliah dan Timbalan President- Persatuan Pengguna Sabah dan WP Labuan
14th February 2007 Kota Kinabalu. (NB: This English Version is the basis of this report)

11. Police Report on our security and sovereignty Karamunsing/ 003948/07 16 March 2007
We have been living in Sabah through a great deal of fear, danger, disharmony and personal safety when our human rights have been violated so easily from within and without. The two issues have unfortunately given birth to 'ethnic cleansing' in collaboration with the Project IC resulting in 'apartheid phenomenon' as distorted by dubious citizens especially unqualified bumiputra.
The root causes can be attributed to recent history when Malaysia came into existence in 1963 and we have diverted much of our resources to deal with imported problems (gangsterism and lawless culture) and sufferings for our local genuine people without dealing with the underlying root causes.
While Malaysia can assume that the Claim on Sabah by the Philippines and Confrontation by Indonesia are irrelevant, what we go through in Sabah vis-a-vis Malaysia can be identified to those two ugly historic events.
While we may be independent as far as sovereignty is concerned determined in 1963, we have made ourselves dependent on our neighbours at our own security peril and such peril can mean that we may lose our sovereignty if we do not deal with them objectively and mutually in an era of global cooperation in the region.
While grievances prevail as far as workers and migrants (legal and illegal) are concerned, we need to have an orderly conduct of our rights in our homeland in the proper perspectives otherwise the already prevailing 'illegalities" aplenty in all areas would lead to anarchy, the least we would like that to happen in Sabah.
We are all aware of the challenges and the inherent problems in Sabah over these two major issues but nothing much is done to resolve them except that we are losing our rights over the years to our neighbours when the intention of the Malaysia Agreement for the people in Sabah in 1963 is much downgraded for 44 years pretentiously via the State Assembly and the dubious Ballot box repeatedly.
We append with this report a few pages of the frightening developments arising from the two issues with views in appendix A and those items identified for probe (page ).
This report would be submitted to the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia, the Parliament, the State Legislative Assembly and the Federal Government.
Datuk Patrick Sindu
Kong Yun Chee @Joshua, 0
Hashima bte Hasbullah
16th March 2007 Kota Kinabalu. (NB: This English Version is the basis of this report)

12. POLICE REPORT ON a gangster SOH See Yee@ Gary Su/Soo Luyang/002101/07 15 June 2007
SOH See Yee@ Gary Su/Soo(once known as) about 43 years old and about 5”9’. I wonder if he still carries any identification document by that name. This person had stayed in one house in Taman Jelitana during the period 1992-1993. He has driven many cars including a Volkswagon, Toyota Corolla SA6623F; Proton Saga SA7701M; and a Rover, a few of them could be owned by him or his associates.
I have posted much on this menace in the Internet as in the following URL for more than a year. &
A copy of a write up for alert and attention is enclosed (app. A of 12 pages) titled SSY in conjunction with the signature campaign against Project IC in 2006.
While it is appreciated that Police had taken concerted effort in investigation leading to arresting 1,300 gangsters in Sarawak, I want similar effort be carried out in Sabah as gangsters including SSY are likely linked.
Kong Yun Chee @ Joshua NRIC 480823-12-5003, 26 Lrg 5, Tmn Iramanis, Kolombong, 88450
K. Kinabalu NB: The English version is the proper report for clarity.

13. POLICE REPORT ON Datuk Dr. Hj Patawari bin Hj Patawe Nric 571227125051/H6008708
K'sing/008725/07 15 June, 2007
1. It is in the public interest that this issue be brought up to resolve the big scenario in Sabah which is coined as "Tsunami of Illegals and Illegalities" (TII) in Malaysia.
2. The Government must decide the status of Dr. Patawari who is a holder of an identity card with the code 71. Is he truly a Malaysian citizen not coded 12 for Sabah under Article 47 of the Federal Constitution? The patriotic Malaysians and law abiding in Sabah treasure much about our rights as citizens.
3. Notwithstanding how Dr. Patawari obtained his identity card, he is deemed a 'symbol' of the larger picture of the Extra People IC or EPIC of Sabah and/or Project IC or Project Mahathir. We have in Sabah EPIC of 1-2 millions as per my paper (A13-A15).
4. Like all Identity cards obtained by sworn statement without birth certificate, there is always the question of the actual birth date of such holders. In the interest of natural justice, it is important that the right age is recorded for all purposes. Looking at his appearance, is Dr. Patawari really only about 50 years old? So it is essential that an age analysis be done on him.
5. It is a mockery of our tradition that a non Malaysian be allowed to abuse the system to hold various important positions for many years as an elected State representative, State Assistant Minister, Director of a public listed company, Chairman of two Government linked companies with one of them of authorised capital of RM1 billion. Elections (Conduct of Elections) Regulations, 1981 - Article 4 stipulates citizen only as a candidate.
6. The companies statutory records at the Commission of Companies Malaysia as per attached as analysed in a list - app 1, there would appear to be confusion in the records switching from the IC code of 71 to 12 with misleading and fraudulent intention in a public listed company.
7. There are likely quite a few like Dr Patawari also holding key and senior positions in the Government and the Public service bypassing any requirement to hold work permits, and it is now the role of the Government, the various departments such as National Registration Dept, Immigration Dept, the Police, Anti Corruption Agency, Election Commission, Public Service Commission, Bursa Malaysia, United Malay National Organisation to deal with such violations to restore the sanctity of the sovereignty and security of Sabah within Malaysia.
8. Many Police and ACA reports had been lodged against the dubious citizens of 1-2 millions supported by painstaking documentary efforts. As such citizenship abuses resulting in TII have caused much financial and opportunity losses, and like many departments have adopted a reward system for information, it is timely that those who have taken the effort to alert the Government be rewarded by say 10% of such losses identified and likely recoverable.
Kong Yun Chee @ Joshua NRIC 480823-12-5003, 26 Lrg 5, Tmn Iramanis, Kolombong 88450 K. Kinabalu.
NB: The English version is the proper report for clarity.

14. POLICE REPORT on EPIC OF SABAH K'sing/010000/07 07/07/2007
I want the Police to investigate the following important and critical issues after much hard work:-
2. Further to Police Reports KK/RPT/23408/04 & 27530/04 & Karamunsing Rpt/0227/06, this is in support of the earlier reports with relevant information as requested by the Police on the illegal people including many refugees getting genuine identity cards via dubious means like project IC as per list below based on the documents EPIC 1-21. The list of names mentioned in these documents are at the bottom of this page with references.
3. Non Sabahans had been given special identity cards numbers allocated for VIPs and VVIPs with prefix H as per appendix A. The prominent ones are Syed Kechik (code 02) & RA Lind (code 71). Have these outsiders done justice for Sabah by holding key positions for long time? Were their blue Sabah ICs (H) revoked?
4. Who are the principal office holders of Persatuan Kebajikan Bugis Sabah PKBS (Sabah Bugis Welfare Association? The president also Director of Land & Survey Datuk Osman Jamal is likely code 71. His real age needs to be determined. PKBS is likely a set up to issue genuine identity cards to Bugis illegal members. <11/T> Muin b. Caburo (H0565799) is alleged a project IC holder amongst many. <15/Z>.
5. Osman Jamal, Dr. Patawari Patawe, Salsidu Ibrahim & Sukarti Wakiman are likely considered EPIC are holding key positions in Sabah. Please confirm. There are many in similar situations. The Public Service Commission should provide the details.
6. In view of such important matters now exposed, it is very vital for the set up of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (long overdue) to resolve the crisis immediately.
Investigate the following persons on the reports enclosed/ Siasat orang-orang ini
Name Ref Name Ref
1 Zulkifli Imban 3/B 12 Maming Staming 6A/0; 10/0;
2 Datu Akjan Datu Ali Mohammad 4/C 13 Patawari Patawe 6A/P; 21/P
3 Hj Jabar Khan Napi@ Y Arafat 5/D 14 Hj Omar 8/Q
4 Musa Aman Khan 5/E 15 Samsul Alang Hamsah 8/R
5 Datuk Harris Salleh 6/G; 12/G 16 Osman Jamal 10/S;12/S; 13/S; 17/S; 21/S
6 Paimin Paimin 6/H 17 Andy Bandy Pilu 11/Y;13/Y
7 Dawani@ Norsalmah 6A/I 18 Haji Abu Ali Ganturon 12/U
8 Yusof Inton 6A/J 19 Yahya Hussin 12/V
9 Ali Andu 6A/K 20 Kahar Mohd Zain 12/W
10 Mandusta Taudin 6A/L 21 Rahmawati Idris 12/X
11 Hj Salsidu Ibrahim 6A/M; 7/M; 9/M /10/M 22 Mohd Hassan Ambo Tuo 16/AA;17/AA; 19/AA; 20/AA
24 Suharti Wakiman 21/AC 23 Mangati b Ambo Tuo 20/AB
NB: 3 is the page number of the document while the alphabet is the name concerned.
Kong Yun Chee @ Joshua NRIC 480823-12-5003, 26 Lrg 5, Tmn Iramanis, Kolombong 88450 K. Kinabalu.
LAPORAN POLIS atas Kad Pengenalan bagi orang luar oleh Joshua Kong 7th July 2007 App A
Some of the top 224 VIPs and VVIPs Malaysian/ SABAH Identity Cards of 12, 71, 06 etc
(These early identity cards numbers were allocated to VIPs and VVIPs)
No. VIP No My Card No Name Remarks
1 H0000005 300812/71/5146 Hafsah bte Ahmad code 71
2 H0000029 400331/71/5178 Mrs M J Beatrice Ryan code 71
3 H0000030 340803/05/5269 Md Sufian b. Salleh code 05
4 H0000031 430718/06/5242 Sofiah Moo@ Moo N Y code 06
5 H0000032 280820/02/5027 Syed Kechik @Syed Bakar code 02
6 H0000049 501115/71/5141 Ajaz Ahmad b Nabijan code 71
7 H0000057 650624/03/5397 Megat Shah. Merican code 03
8 H0000099 220814/71/5123 R. A. Lind code 71
9 H0000100 340616/71/5313 Arul Albert Ryan code 71
10 H0000102 360818/71/5010 Ng Came Mui code 71
11 H0000158 720628/10/5293 Megat Suffian Merican code 10
12 H0000160 540705/01/5833 Nordin b Kahar code 01
13 H0000165 681221/71/5429 Adnan b Ahmad code 71
14 H0000166 661105/71/5132 Asma bte Ahmad code 71
15 H0000170 660701/06/5493 Nallendran a/l Satturukanasingi code 06
16 H0000171 701223/06/5197 Previndran Sathurgasinghe code 06
17 H0000182 600509/03/5791 Md Zulkifli b Zakaria code 03
18 H0000186 341207/71/5261 Md Hussain b Mahboob code 71
19 H0000187 480715/02/5128 Maryam bte Md Taib code 02
20 H0000188 631231/05/5592 Kuan Kah Chwii code 05
21 H0000201 570213/71/5363 Marcel Annol code 71
22 H0000202 541106/71/5349 Leon Annol code 71
23 H0000207 730828/02/5916 Brinda a/p Muthusamy code 02
24 H0000224 740912/14/6103 Md Azizi b Matiasin code 14
( I hope to get more soon or the authorities concerned can give us a complete list).
If these people as VVIPs and VIPs are influencing most public policies of the Government of Sabah since the early years of independence and there are strictly non Sabahans based on code 12, then most blame of running down Sabah should be pointed to them. These people can be considered as "Trojan Horse".
If it is not important that the Government be run by genuine locals based on code 12, we are over run by questionable outsiders especially those of code 71 are aplenty in Sabah. If code 12 is not important, why are many with code 71 trying to apply for code 12?
If code 71 people can hold important key positions in Sabah since 1963, then genuine local code 12 become irrelevant. I think people of code 71 also need to apply for work permits, and have they done that? If not, why not?
EPIC of Sabah also include those unqualified foreigners given genuine identity cards under Project IC /Project Mahathir of 1 - 2 millions in Sabah as per Police Report lodged by CASH on 21st June 2006 K'munsing Rpt/0227/06 and K'munsing/008725/07 of 15 June 2007.
In a nut shell, it is 'Tsunami of Illegals & Illegalities' in Sabah and Malaysia.
Joshua Kong, Author of EPIC of Sabah in 3 editions

15. Police report on Sabah wealth as near gone by Joshua Kong K'sing/010000/07 07/07/2007
I want Police to do proper investigation on the following critical issues in Sabah.
2. With little timber left once the wealth of Sabah Foundation and related State companies or GLCs since established from USNO Government and oil fossil also depleting, we cannot leave everything to the successive Governments to be sure that our wealth is maintained. Actually Sabah wealth is near gone after 4 decades of mismanagement and little good investments left for the future.
3. It is noted that some investigations were conducted on Sabah Foundation under Datuk Syed Kechik, then under Tan Sri Ben Stephens, then under Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan but since 1994 no investigations or critical reviews were carried out although the article marked SW1-6 indicates some allegations of major irregularities. Go online for more pages. Such serious allegations must be cleared.
4. Warisan Harta Sabah Sdn Bhd also manages much of the State's resources and performance is lacking since 1995 based partially on an article SW7-10. Warisan Harta Sabah Sdn. Bhd. is very much involved with several major projects and one of that is its relationship and dealing direct or otherwise in the Saham Amanah Sabah which had incurred a loss of about RM400 m pages SW13-16 due to suspected manipulations of the market. Since 1997, a White Paper has not been produced.
5. It is also known that Police and ACA reports had been lodged against the present Chief Minister on corruption and abuses of power (SW17-18) when his office is based on a misconduct of General Elections as per my Police and ACA report K'munsing/Rpt/10281/06 lodged on 26th December 2006. The property where the Sabah UMNO headquarters is also a subject of concern as far as the status of public donations and the land formerly owned by Sedco/Sudc pending a land title.
6. In view of the critical scenario of dwindling wealth of mainly timber & fossil oil, I have written a book "Sabah Wealth - the image of woods power" as attached and recent reported losses as threatening, hence proper investigation by a Commission of Inquiry is desirable to arrest the decline of resources, wealth, investments, economic opportunities for this and future generations especially many non genuine locals are managing these assets under an illegal Government
Kong Yun Chee@Joshua 480823125003, 26 Lrg 5, Tmn Iramanis, Kolombong, 88450 K. Kinabalu.
NB: The English version is the proper report for clarity.
4-5 September 2007

TSUNAMI of Illegals & Illegalities in Sabah - An Introduction September 2007 by Joshua Kong at UiTM in conjunction with Merdeka 50

While we may celebrate 50/44 years Merdeka in Malaysia, we have much to assess what we are celebrating when we are aware of the downside in Sabah vis-a-vis Malaysia since 1963.

If people talks of the accelerated developments post colonialism generally in the nation, has Sabah really got its deal after the British colonialism, or rather we have got ourselves into a new form of colonialism like federalism - loss of resources and wealth - and instead we have the insurmountable Tsunami of Illegals & Illegalities (TII).
The root cause of TII is likely the illegal Governments since 1963 or 1957 with race and religious based parties as against the original spirit of Federal Constitution of multi racial, multi religious and secular fundamentals despite a national ceremonial religion. This illegality is further supported by successive flawed General Elections especially in Sabah since 1967 and such electoral frauds confirmed in General Elections 2004 with two Police Reports lodged by me in 2006 & 2007.
If my sharing and writing TII peacefully is to be threatened with detention of whatever it only confirms how insecure is the illegal Governments and so unlike Roslan Sharif (73) (DE 30 August 2007) sharing his independence struggle in Indonesia in an "ant army" stealing rifles, ammunitions, explosives, cannon and other arms from the colonial army for the Indonesia National Army. My effort here by researching facts and figures of the available resources in the knowledge economy and the information age by revealing some hidden agenda is most amicable way to strengthen our independence in Malaysia and to bring justice for all especially in Sabah.
The developments in Peninsula Malaysia have direct impact on Sabah and Sarawak. It is interesting to note that there is a book titled " Malaysia: From Kampung to Twin Towers – 50 Years of Economic and Social Development by Datuk Dr Richard Leete.".
On Tuesday 14th August, 2007 in the LIVE TV2's programme of FAST Forward titled "Crimes Prevention", there were at least two callers who refer to the illegals to give rise to increasing trend of crimes, and yet none of the panelists made any reference in their comments.
The Anglican bishop writing in the Sunday bulletion of 26th August, 2007 has this comment namely "We do not want to see our nation suffering collapse while having so much to show.".
Tengku Razaleigh threatened chaos for the nation worst than May 13, 1969 if the social contract is challenged by whatever quarters.
Tan Sri Simon Sipaun had compared on the security status in 1963 and 2007 for its worsened trend.
Even the Prime Minister warned " If there is trouble in Malaysia, nobody would survive". That is a glaring hard reminder of TII when the Tsunami self made by Malaysians is destroying ourselves.
Many other people had spoken and for me I have this timely topic of TII to be considered.
Malaysia came into existence on 16th September 1963 after quick negotiations with efforts in Cobbold Commission and Inter Governmental Committee with the Twenty Points for Sabah in the new nation as proposed by Tunku Abdul Rahman.
The sacred Malaysia Agreement made on 9th July 1963 as signed by various parties concerned had seen violations in many instances and major events like Singapore departure in 1965 after a racial riot and the Malay dilemma after the racial riots on May 13, 1969 now with a book after 38 years titled "May 13 Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969" by Dr Kua Kia Soong on such issues as claimed that Umno played a major role in the riots, that the military and police had practiced racial favouritism during their peacekeeping efforts. The air tragedy on June 6, 1976 in Sabah where the Chief Minister Tun Fuad Stephens and ten others had been taboo but definitely a book needs to be published now also after 30 years. The impact of the Malay dilemma was the creation of the New Economic Policy - sort of unwritten social contract while the tragedy of the Double June in 1976, saw a new Chief Minister and the signing away Sabah's wealth in the fossil oil to Petronas. Even the Chief Judge of Borneo was saying the Malaysia Agreement has a provision of the setting of Appeal Court in Sabah and Sarawak. It is timely to have a Commission of Assessment of the Malaysia Agreement. If Sabah is not significant in Malaysia and to be treated as insignificant, then Malaysia itself is meaningless.

We can draw up a long list of the impact of the illegals [mainly foreigners from Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan (lesser)] and the related illegalities [national scams, corruptions, frauds and fake documents, EPIC holding key Government positions] in our midst as the illegal Governments put the telescope to the blind eye like Napolean did.
After acknowledging the existence of Tsunami of Illegals & Illegalities, how would we deal with that? Like a great deal of effort was taken up by the global communities in the last tsunami of Aceh in December 2004, what should we do about the TII in Sabah now that it is known in our midst? Like the growing desertification in a global changing climate and illegal logging, are we that helpless in arresting worsening climate change while the authorities concerned condone illegal logging? The root cause of TII in Sabah is known and yet why are the authorities concerned do not deal with that when it is their responsibility to ensure the welbeing of the genuine local people of Sabah.
Philippines revived its claim on Sabah while Indonesia declared "Crush Malaysia" with military intervention.
The claim and confrontation have precipitated much problems leading to crisis proportion for the young nation especially in Sabah A string of terrible events of terrors within and outside Sabah have given rise to the influx of illegal immigrants into Sabah resulting in ethnic cleansing and worsened apartheid phenomenon in 44 years.
A brief history of refugees from the Southern Philippines since 1970s following some civil war there was initiated by the UNHCR against the interests of Malaysia as Malaysia did not ratify the 1951 UN Convention relating to the status of Refugees and its 1967 protocol. Estimated to be about 60,000 in the early 1970s, the registration was ended in 1984 and the IMM13 holders have to renew their cards annually at a fee which was considered a burden to many although refugees with IMM13 could work in Sabah. So many such holders could opt for the Project IC. If we project the 60,000 odd holders in 1970s, we should have about at least 200,000 such holders including their offsprings. But in reality the Immigration Department responsible for such cards do not maintain proper records.
It was also an accepted international principle that refugees must go home at the end of civil war in home country or be transferred to third countries. Instead most of them have become EPIC due to very few being accepted in third countries. It is long overdue that they be sent home when there is no such wars as in the 1970s and earlier.
The Tsunami of Illegals & Illegalites is the outcome of the dubious Claim of Sabah vis-a-vis President Diosdado Macapagal and then President Ferdinand Marcos in the Corregidor Affairs and Jabidah Massacre of some 200 young Tausag who were trained to be the invasion force into Sabah in 1968. Our own leaders such Tun Mustapha, Datuk Harris Salleh, Musa Aman and Tun Dr Mahathir together with many others are part and parcel of TII. There was also the denial of APPPA Angkatan Petugas Pemantau Pendatang Asing (Apppa) or APPA (Angkatan Permantau Pendatang Asing) which could be a disguised vehicle to register illegals by an approved body to make them dubious citizens?
The registration of 5,000 foreigners for dubious citizens was reported to be still going on in Keningau as Police report was made. (DE 23 June 2006)
So that was the start of the Tsunami of Illegals and Illegalities in Sabah with a piece of document lacking in legal clarity over the word "pajak" and the RM5,000 annuity which is clearly the compensation for the loss of rights over bird nests and sea food collection in North Borneo, not as a sum to claim the rights over the land in Borneo.
There was also another case reported in the Internet of an article CIA CAUGHT FAKING TERROR IN PHILIPPINES where I quote "Older names in the `game' cleared for release are almost as exotic as Michael Meiring. Many have been linked to undergound Muslim independence campaigns in Mindanao. In 1990-91, Bob Gould from Hayward, California, Filipino-American Frederick Obado and others in Davao City made plans to invade Sabah, Malaysia.
" and the link with another article titled "20/03: Laporan Polis Terhadap Ketua Menteri Sabah where Lobarloba wrote: "Wasnt he accused of plotting to take Sabah out from Malaysia, even having merceneries trained in the Philiphines under CIA supervision?"
"Jeffrey is hardly the right person to accuse people. His credibility is at question. Wasnt he the one who was involved in the disapperance of RM X BILLION of Yayasan Sabah funds? Wasnt he the one who prosecuted innocent Muslims in Sabah during his hey dey in PBS?" wrote Obarloba. I hope Jeffrey would challenge this statement in Malaysia Today if he feels offended.
The number of extra people with genuine ICs ( EPIC) have reached 1 - 2 millions in Sabah based on the CASH's paper I delivered at the Suhakam's Forum on 31st July, 2006. Hence the adverse impact in Sabah is tremendous and devastating. SUHAKAM'S FORUM
"Roundtable Discussion on "Human Rights and Citizenship - its Impact on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" Kota Kinabalu 31st July 2006
These are illegal people from other countries getting the identity cards by fraudulent means and ultra vires the Federal Constitution. They are not local and possession of any identity documents has given them 'citizenship' and such documents are indeed illegal also coded as IC palsu or Fake IC.
I call them Extra People Identity Cards or EPIC (outside people with our ICs) as they are not born here hence unqualified. Children of EPIC parents are also not qualified for Malaysian citizenship.
1 EPIC once given valid identity cards in dubious means or by Affidavit or Surat Akuan with questioned fact like place of birth would considered themselves citizens.
Such EPIC are still considered possessing IC Palsu or Fake IC although such ICs are not forgery. Forgeries done by 'IC factory' without link to NRD are also fake ICs. Forgeries done by 'IC factory' with link to NRD although to be fake maybe exchangeable with genuine ICs. They have been reports of NRD staff involved with such "IC factories".
Having clear the impression of IC palsu or fake IC, we now come to the numbers of EPIC.
Hence for the relevant authorities to investigate and best for the Royal Commission of Inquiry to do a thorough job for a good ending of 1-2 millions dubious citizens.
NRD vis-a-vis Population Explosion in Sabah.
Three major component of the Project IC coded P1/P2 or Project M are as follows:-
The USNO era of 100,000 identity cards just given away to illegals. Who had produced them? Exposed by an ex deputy Chief Minister of Sabah once jailed for OSA. It is timely to declassify those documents now to see the extent of the damage. (EPIC 2 p47) and (Suhakam - A case for Media Freedom page 39)
The period of Jun 1972-Dec 1976, any thing up to 300,000 ICs were issued excessively by NRD. Who are involved? Was this kind of briefing in May 1987 repeated in later years?
The period up April, 1987 - there was the reported 400,000 ICs mentioned in the Parliament, N13 Likas 1999's Election Court Case and the press as issued by NRD using surat akuan or sworn declaration of foreigners with false place of birth.
These three unfortunate IC scams add up to about 800,000. Together with children of these dubious citizens for 3 decades, it is definitely in excess of a million and more hence the exploded population as illustrated by the work out in EPIC of Sabah page 4.
Statistical analysis of Population by Age Groups
Particulars No. Remark
As per above (higher batches) 461,650 see below
migrated in 30 years 200,000 Conservative-official figures not available?
children under 14 years in 2000 400,000 55% foreigners of 787,357 (estimates)
EPIC of Sabah 1,061,650 (estimated)

However the figure of EPIC is further compounded by the excessive departures of Malaysians for the period of 1995 -2004.
Why has I chosen the term "tsunami" for this topic? We have been told how the physical Tsunami can occur after a massive earth quake like what had happened on 26th December 2004 in Aceh, Sumatra. This kind of climax must have been slowly developing under the surface of the earth or just below the sea. Then suddenly what we see is massive devastation of the land surface caused by the massive waves, and virtually nothing much can be unaffected.
So as analogy, Tsunami of Illegals & Illegalities is the result of unseen developments or seen developments but denied by the authorities since 1963 that today we have the twin evil of ethnic cleansing (displacement of local majority into minority by illegals) and worsened Apartheid Phenomenon (the already bias implementation of New Economic Policy favourable to the Muslims worsened as illegals can become bumiputra overnight). Even the Federal Task Force on Illegals had been exposed to have issued 82,000 genuine identity cards to illegals in the period 1991-1993.
The dates of celebration of Merdeka and Malaysia was signs that history is re-written when it is 44 years on 16th September, 2007, not 50 years on 31st August 2007.
It did start with a gradual process as we have seen in the paper titled "The number of EPIC of Sabah" and it had snowballed into what we have today and that is the reality of Tsunami and its ugly manifestations in some many dimensions.
Amongst the many cases, here are some illustrations of such devastation of Sabah once a land of peace.
There was first the role of Federalism to make Sabah more in line with the Peninsula Malaysia via Syed Kechik and the Migration Fund Board -both sort of failure. So the leaders decided to have the role of illegals given genuine identity cards.
In 1986, Kota Kinabalu Riot was just another ugly manifestation of TII. Politics dissent was just simply an excuse. You can see the vivid pictures first ever published in the Internet while the then local press had largely avoided that. Some foreign papers and magazines could have them.
Top leaders holding identity cards not of code 12 is the contributing factor in the root cause of TII as they favour the birds of the same feathers.
The faulty electoral rolls and the misconduct of for many General Elections have been significant factor of the TSUNAMI of ILLEGALS & ILLEGALITIES in Sabah & Malaysia.
All political parties based on race and or religion are illegal when the Federal Constitution is a multi racial and multi religons although there is a national religion for ceremony only. If we have such divisive political groups, we would be pitting each other within the nation. Even the national religion can be a stumbling block in the context of spirituality.
Draining of resources and wealth of the people by illegal and dubious people of 1-2 millions annually by sending substantial money away without paying the local taxes.
Social, economic and political impacts of adverse dimension had been tremendous since 1963 with the consequences of the massive abuses of public utilities like overcrowding in hospitals and schools, widespread electricity and water thefts, decline in general cleanliness and mushrooming of squatters, welfare endangered with much crimes and decline of societal peace with rising social ills and political abuses with impunity.
Such scenarios are further illustrated by some of the recent news items namely (1) Half squatters' ICs suspect 10 January, 2007 (Daily Express) Kota Kinabalu: almost half the number of Sri Tanjung squatters eligible for relocation to Kinarut are holding dubious Malaysian identity cards.
(2) Most drug dealers from squatter colonies 31 October, 2006 (Source Daily Express) Kota Kinabalu: Eighty-six suspected drug dealers, including 35 locals, were detained under the Special Preventive Measures (LLPK) Statewide from January to September this year.
(3) Sabah Agenda needed to rid illegals Tuesday, 21 November 2006 (Source: Daily Express) KOTA KINABALU: Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) said there is need for a Sabah Agenda to rid the State of its predicament of foreigners claiming to be Bumiputera through dubious means.
Supreme Council member Dr Chong Eng Leong said PBS had no qualms about the Malay Agenda as stressed by the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister who are also the President and Deputy President of Umno, respectively, during the recently concluded Umno General Assembly.
Mother of all Sabah's woes 03 November, 2006 Kota Kinabalu: The State's mushrooming squatter colonies are the root of all social ills and crimes in Sabah, particularly drugs.
And police cannot be blamed for being unable to deal effectively with the host of accompanying problems if these colonies are allowed to continue as well as expand.
"Don't wait another 10 or 20 years until more squatter houses are built as by then it will be too late to act," warned Acting Commissioner of Police Datuk Bakri Mohd Zinin.
He was speaking exclusively to Daily Express prior to taking up his new post in police headquarters in Bukit Aman as Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Deputy Director (Intelligence Operations on Drugs).
He said police personnel in the State are largely a dedicated lot but face an uphill task because the local authorities don't seem to be moving on these squatters that are resided mostly by illegal immigrants or those who have somehow acquired Malaysian documents like Mykads.
(5) 24/06: Musa Aman, Maduku beri, Racun kau balas! (extracts thereof)
Hati tuanya merintih pedih dan air mata tuanya tidak tertampan lagi apabila tanaman salak dan kelapanya ditebang oleh sekumpulan lelaki seramai sepuluh orang yang diketuai oleh Ketua Kampung Sinar Baru, Mohd Hassan Ambo Tuo.
Siasatan lanjut mendapati Mohd Hassan Ambo Tuo merupakan Pendatang Tanpa Izin daripada Indonesia yang sebelum ini menjadi pemandu traktor di kem pembalakan dan pemandu lori sebelum mendapat beberapa kad pengenalan palsu atas nama Lahassan Bin Cupak (Nama dalam pasport asal dan Kartu Tetap Penduduk Indonesia).
Pada 1984 beliau mendapat sekeping kad pengenalan bernombor H0327140 namun terpaksa berkongsi dengan lebih lima orang lain sehingga terpaksa mendapatkan bantuan Musa Aman (Pengerusi Task Force Umno yang menaja Kad Pengenalan Projek 1991-1993) menghapuskan lima orang pesaingnya untuk terus menggunakan kad pengenalan berkenaan yang kini telah dikeluarkan Mykad bernombor 430204-12-5295.
Mohd Hassan turut 'meluluskan' tanah yang dirampas daripada penduduk kampung kepada adiknya, Mangati Bin Ambo Tuo (450330-71-5155).
Many other similar news items on TII are listed in Appendix A.
Case study for consideration:-
There is a blame that the business people mainly the Chinese people have exploited the illegals for cheap labour. If such illegals are not allowed into Sabah, the business people would not have that advantages or abuses. When these illegals are allowed to roam Sabah freely, they need to satisfy their very basic needs like squatter houses feeding on all sorts of illegal activities like stealing (food, water and electricity), drugs dealing, and working (cheap labour). Most of these people do get their ways for decades in what I call the dark economy. When the business people are found to have employed illegal people, they are penalised heavily. The levies on the foreign workers and the penalties of harbouring illegals are both undesirable activities in the development of the nation involving illegals. We have 1-2 millions extra people IC and yet we continue to rely on foreigners with work permits and illegal workers.
Against a scenario of insecurity at homes and outside (too many woes to deal with), people are wearing themselves out in the pursuit of productive works and daily living resulting in many short comings hence lots of penalties are applied for various increasing incidences of offence.
Such penalties are deemed unjustified for two main reasons - it is both counter productive for those who irk out a living and much of such penalties are utilised for dealing with the woes arising from the social ills with its root cause in illegal people. How long can such a distorted society be sustained?
Another scenario that is observed is that many people from Sandakan and Tawau - the number subject to a survey - have moved to Kota Kinabalu hoping to find a more pleasant life here away from the urban areas now believed to be occupied by recent arrivals of foreigners. The consequence is that Kota Kinabalu cannot accommodate such sudden influx of people from other major towns in Sabah as these people are better off to develop their own areas if illegal people are resolved quickly and that is not the case. This is another distortion like an internal "tsunami" as local people are forced to flee from the bad influences of illegal people.
The impact of Tsunami of Illegals & Illegalities are highlighted in 16 Police Reports with most of them extended to Anti Corruption Agency.
There are as follows:- (Full Police Reports in Appendix B)
1. Police Report on EPIC (Extra People IC) 28 October 2004 KK/RPT/23408/04
2. PR and ACA -The RM5 Billion water Malaise in Sabah 28 Oct 04 KK/RPT/23409/04 and ACA submitted on 15-3-04.
3. UMNO Sabah and its landed properties(USH) KK/RPT/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 (5 reports in one)
4. UMNO Sabah and its membership (USKA) KK/RPT/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 (5 reports in one)
5. Bank Negara & Ringgit Notes (BNRM) KK/RPT/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 (5 reports in one)
6. Non Revenue Water (NRW) KK/RPT/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 (5 reports in 1)
7 . Petronas & Sabah (P&S) KK/RPT/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 (5 reports in one)
8. Identity Cards -genuine and dubious in the hands of illegals under P1/P2 'Project Mahathir'
Karamunsing Rpt/0227/06 21 June 06
9. On the conduct of the 11th National General Elections and 10th Sabah State General Elections- 21 March 2004 by the Election Commission (EC) K'sing/Rpt/10281/06 26 December 06
10. Police Report on Land Issues in Sabah K'sing/002428/07 14 Feb 2007
11. Police Report on our security and sovereignty K'sing/ 003948/07 16 Mar 07
12. POLICE REPORT ON a gangster SOH See Yee@ Gary Su/Soo Luyang/002101/07 15 June 2007
13. POLICE REPORT ON Datuk Dr. Hj Patawari bin Hj Patawe Nric 571227125051/H6008708
K'sing/008725/07 15 June, 2007
14. POLICE REPORT on EPIC OF SABAH K'sing/010000/07 07/07/07 (two in 1).
15. Police report on Sabah wealth as near gone K'sing/010000/07 07/07/2007 (two in one).
16. Police report on EC = Electoral Correction. K'sing/011997/07 10/8/2007.

I have also lodged Report to Suhakam and Biro Pengaduan Awam for the outcome if any of those Police Reports. These Police reports are filled with items of TII.
In the next section - NEXT STEPS - more items of TII are listed for appropriate attention at the International level.
This paper is incomplete without some measures to be pursued to resolve the TII. Hence I had already submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) a double packages of Complaint against Malaysia of more than 1,000 pages plus another joint complaint against Philippines and Indonesia. The submissions do give a fair account of the extent of TII we experience in Sabah with the intention to resolve the crisis. If Tun Dr Mahathir really and sincerely know nothing about Project Mahathir, but now we know such Project IC has happened and we have this TII, then we must resolve the crisis without fail for the common good of the nation. But this issue of EPIC is not new as it had been exposed in mid 1980s, hence the inaction of the authorities until today in 2007 is no excuse for the denial. The Government knew about this Project IC as NRD's senior officers had been detained under ISA in the 1990s. Even the Police had been aware of the Project IC for many years and yet nothing much had been done about the EPIC.
Package 1 - Filed with the International Criminal Court of the United Nations on August, 2005 as No. of 2005
P1.1 Brief particulars of the complaint:-
As a citizen of the State of Sabah which formed Malaysia on 16th September, 1963, and a Malaysian, the plaintiff has been aggrieved since then and relying on the Statement of Claims are per pages 2-7 and related supporting documents as enclosed in Sections A-D of the brief "IC Case for ICC" of over 400 pages, and the plaintiff would like the honourable International Court to deal the two major complaints namely ethnic cleansing (most suitable word to use) and apartheid phenomenon (by virtue of not declared). These two complaints unless dealt with properly have reached the stage of no return for ordinary people of Malaysia especially the minorities (once majority) in the State of Sabah.

P1.2 Appropriate attention and Remedy
As the Statute of the International Criminal Court has a provision for compensation and other likely action to provide relief to the aggrieved people for decades, it is anticipated that a Trust Fund of at least RM40 billions (Ringgit Malaysia Forty Billions) be set up for the benefit of the genuine Malaysians residing in Sabah for the lost opportunities and rights as neglected and abused by the defendants.
It is also expected that a proper instituted Royal Commission of Inquiry on the genuine identity cards as abused and given to the extra people who are illegal and outsider under dubious schemes for decades to resolve the substantive ethnic cleansing with adverse impact on the other fronts namely social, politics, religion and economy. Any other measures deemed appropriate.
With deep conviction and in all sincerity without fear or favour
Submitted by plaintiff on behalf of Sabahans the statement of claims in pages 2-7.
Joshua KONG Yun Chee Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Dated: August 2005
NB: the references (section) used are those in the brief titled "IC Case for ICC" as attached.
P1.3 STATEMENT OF CLAIMS of Joshua Kong Yun Chee, a Malaysia residing in Sabah
P1.3A. Direction and History
P1.3. B.A.1. ETHNIC CLEANSING - Governmental Design
I, Joshua KONG Yun Chee, of Sabah, Malaysia humbly submit this case in pages 1-7 as supported by a brief titled "IC Case for ICC" for your honourable consideration and hearing.
Joshua Kong Yun Chee Dated: August 2005
Re: Submission of a case from Sabah, Borneo Malaysia - second portion
LIST of documents
P2. Section A
Additional documents (new and old) - 40 pages JK 1 -40.
P2. Section B
Documents (sample) presented by Dr. Chong Eng Leong to the Malaysia Parliament Select Committee on Unity and National Service - 40 pages marked CEL 1 - 40.
The Political Economy of Malaysian Federalism: Economic Development, Public Policy and Conflict Containment by Jomo K. S. and Wee Chong Hui - 44 pages marked U1-22A.
U. S. Department of State
Malaysia Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1998 - 15 pages marked R1-8
The US vs the UN - 3 pages marked R9 - 10
Malaysia International Religious Freedom Report 2004 - 3 pages marked R11-12A.
Does the Federal Constitution support an Islamic or secular state? - 10 pages marked R13-R17A.
Malaysia Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2004 as 24 pages marked R 18-29A.
Philippines brings the Sabah dispute to the U. N. the relevant portion of the Philippine Policy Statement in the United Nations- 10 pages marked 01-05A.
The Birth of Malaysia
The Report of the Commission of Inquiry -119 pages marked 1-119
The Report of the Inter Governmental Committee, 1962 - 11 pages marked 120-130.
MALAYSIA Agreement concluded between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Federation of Malays, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore. Cmnd 2094. - 120 pages marked 1-60A
My book "EPIC of Sabah 3rd Ed @2005 " Street kids" is the face of EPIC of SABAH. 88 pages marked 1-88.
P2.1 Filed with the International Criminal Court of the United Nations on
27th September 2006 as No. 1 Sept of 2006 with supporting documents up to March 2006
P2.4 Further STATEMENT OF CLAIMS of Joshua Kong Yun Chee, a Malaysia residing in Sabah
A brief guidance on the points that need to be highlighted in the pages of 1-44.
(see page numbers in box)
P3.5. Philippines Case against Sabah
P3.6. Indonesian Case against Sabah
Yours faithfully, Joshua Kong
So celebrations for Merdeka do not come easy and to be more meaningful especially in the 50/44 years - no more youthful hood, no more young adult hood, we should be held in great esteem within and without when the young golden nation starts in earnest to resolve the Tsunami of Illegals & Illegalities in Sabah and the nation with a great bang once and for all. In sincere maturity, we trust ourselves to move forward.

05/04: Jabar dan Sabu buat laporan polis terhadap Musa Aman Khan - abu sayyap and the Sabah connections in high places. Project M: False ICs for foreigners in Sabah 03/04: Pak Lah tahu Skandal 'IC Projek' di Sabah
The list of threats to Sabah by greedy people.
11/04: Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 6)
Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 1)
Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 2)
Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 3) Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 4)
. Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 5) Nazri unsuited for role, says SAPP 1.4mil MyKads issued in Sabah to date: Minister
PBRS wants Nazri to be replaced
Why Rakyat sceptical on the Govt's measures: MP
07/05: Glamor seorang PTI? Raja Petra
Sabah, Negeri Yang Dilanda bukan sahaja Bayu Greg pada 1996, malah Taufan Pendatang Tanpa Izin sejak 1972 dan Tsunami Pengundi hantu. Sejak 1994, Sabah mula menghadapi kemelut yang berpanjangan bawah pimpinan Musa Khan Al-Pushtuni.
Dr M: 'I know nothing about Project M' Fauwaz Abdul Aziz May 11, 07
Dr Mahathir Mohamad revealed that "some people" were involved in issuing identity cards to foreigners in Sabah but denied the ruling Umno was involved in the secret plan allegedly to pad up the electoral rolls with illegal immigrants. 1986 KK riots
Joshua's case for Sabah is a priority now!!!!

JK's Digest No. 40 of November 2007 (346 of 2007) Yes the terms of "Hindraf Document" be investigated by a Royal Commission of Inquiry.

QUOTE from news item below: "The document claims that Umno-led Malaysia has committed "ethnic cleansing" of the Indian minority and asks Britain to intervene and refer Malaysia to the World Court for crimes against the Indians."

That is appropriate to put into proper perspective when it is timely to assess that in 50/44 years of Merdeka to move forward.

Joshua Kong also wants to be investigated when he has been raising similar issues to the International Criminal Courts (ICC) since 2005 and in his books of issues. He will submit the third brief to ICC.

Should Hindraf gets into this kind of concern after the free demonstration on 25th November 2007, Joshua Kong's effort should deserve be investigated in the right vein.

Let it be known to the world that the peaceful Joshua Kong trusting in God be given the role to lead Malaysia forward in the best approach to overcome the prevailing turmoil and disarray in the young nation struggling in many lopsided deals.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
GOVERNMENT RIGS ELECTIONS ALL TIMES (GREAT) (local politics - reading level 2) (The Authority - open to all including visitors) [Malaysia Forever]
http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/;

Cabinet Wants Hindraf Document Investigated November 29, 2007 00:37 AM
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 28 (Bernama) -- Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said police had been directed to investigate the authenticity of a document said to be a memorandum issued by the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf).

The document addressed to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown had been posted on a popular weblog.

"The Cabinet meeting today discussed the document and if it is found that it was issued by P. Uthayakumar, then we will ask the Attorney-General to charge him under the Sedition Act for making seditious remarks," he told reporters at the Parliament lobby here today.

The document claims that Umno-led Malaysia has committed "ethnic cleansing" of the Indian minority and asks Britain to intervene and refer Malaysia to the World Court for crimes against the Indians.

Nazri said the document clearly proved that Uthayakumar had incited Indians against the government and pitted the Malays and Muslims against Hindraf.

"Words like ethnic cleansing and threats of what happened in Sri Lanka could happen here are irresponsible. Do not challenge the government. He (Uthayakumar) must be responsible for his action."

He said the Cabinet also discussed the illegal rally by Hindraf on Sunday, adding that those who participated would be prosecuted.

On the DAP suggestion that he apologised for calling the demonstrators gangsters, Nazri said: "I will not apologise to Hindraf.

"The 20,000 people who turned up are gangsters because they defied the law. I am not saying this to the Indian community but to the gangsters who attended the illegal rally."

Nazri said the attitude of the 20,000 illegal demonstrators did not reflect the true attitude of some two million Indians who loved peace and unity.


go there and see for yourself and then post here-
name the terrorists in Malaysia and Sabah...
There is a dilemma of the Malays and Malaysia beyond cure if left to the same people...

Man proposes and God disposes..

so think deep ...on human inspiration going no where but

meanwhile profligacy of RM15 trillions of the nation already sunken for the race still in doldrium..

no self pity but blame yourself..

Prime Minister for Joshua Kong is timely

go there for some relevant update.
Start the count down now for the BERSIH rally on 9th July, 2011 nationwide.

I had started that since I lodged two Police Reports in 2006 on GE2004 and 2008 on GE2008 on the rigging of GEs by the Election Commissions after earlier extending my written complaints to the EC and MACC etc but all ignored.

Then I brought the two election cases to the High Courts which (the electoral frauds by EC) were also ignored and strike out by TIME factor as manipulated by the High Court.

So RCI is another option.

No point with more Police Reports and then MACC is hopeless, the Courts also hopeless - no justice- the illegal PM is hopeless if GE2004 with great discrepancies in P85 of the ballot papers issued, so if the Agung is hopeless, where are we heading to? sure more chaos as anarchy is bad for everyone.

so rise up with IGGG

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